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Susy and Flossy stood before the mirror, and Johnny and Dotty in the middle of the room, confronting each other with angry brows. "Hush, children!" said Susy, in an absentminded way, and went on brushing her hair, which was one of the greatest trials in the whole world, because it would not curl.

I, for one, am not disposed to blame the politicians and the business men. They govern the nation, it is true, but they do it in a rather absentminded fashion. Those revolutionists who see the misery of the country as a deliberate and fiendish plot overestimate the bad will, the intelligence and the singleness of purpose in the ruling classes.

The slope on which it stands is so steep that the main road is on a level with the roofs on one side, and if you were absentminded, you might walk on to a roof and fall down a chimney before you became aware that you had strayed from the street. But we were not absent-minded. We sang Loud Songs all the way. We ran across the grass after the shadows of the round clouds that bowled across the sky.

He had a long nose, a smooth-shaven face and a left eye that was a trifle turned. His thoughts were generally one day behind the calendar. Today he seemed to be digesting the affairs of yesterday. He was, therefore, absentminded, to a degree that made no end of gossip.

He raised a hand in shocked denial. "Pray do not believe I am so vulgar," he replied. "Yes, I wished to see you, Henry, for two reasons. First, I was absentminded last evening. I find I do not know the name of the gentleman with whom you had the falling out. If you tell me who knows the world is small." He waited expectantly, and I smiled at him. I had hoped he would ask me.

Sometimes of late, in Johnnie's opinion, the scout leader had seemed to be as absentminded as Cis; and now he was evidently not thinking of the matter in hand, for he asked a question which appeared to have nothing whatever to do with merit badges. Also, it was a most embarrassing question, since it concerned a fact which Johnnie had been careful, all these past weeks, to suppress.

Later that summer, he learned only incidently that it had been Carlia who had been before him that afternoon. During those days, Carlia kept out of Dorian's way as much as possible. She even avoided walking to and from school with him. He was so absentminded even with her that she in time came to resent it in her feelings.

I noticed that you have been absentminded till now. Farmer Max told us something else about his father that you wouldn't like me to repeat, I know." "You would not say so if it were not wrong; you had better not repeat it, Kurt," said the mother. "No, indeed, it is not bad, but very strange. I can tell you though, because I don't believe it myself.

The young man recovered himself from his absentminded stare in the direction Grace had taken, with a frank laugh. "So much the better for a fellow, I should say!" Grace handed the little girl over to her nurse, and went to her own room, where she found her mother waiting to go down to tea. "Where is Mrs. Maynard?" asked Mrs. Breen. "Out on the croquet-ground," answered the daughter.

But at last human instincts encroached upon Neale's superlative detachment from self. It seemed all of a sudden that he stepped toward an east-bound train. When he reached the coach something halted him a thought where was he going? The west-bound work-train was the one he wanted. He laughed, a little grimly. Certainly he had grown absentminded.