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"Ay, that there be; eleven of us or was, avore you fired upon us," answered a voice. "I'm afeared you've a-killed one or two of us down here, but what do that matter so long as you've a-comed to deliver the rest of us out of this here floatin' hell, as, thanks be to God Almighty, you have, I do suppose." "You are right, lad, we have," answered George, cheerily.

'tis a comfort to see as Corporal Baverstock d' seem able to walk so well as ever. I see Mrs. Baverstock didn't come to church 'tis a wonder." "Nay, no wonder at all. It bain't likely as the poor body could leave her Sunday dinner the very first day her son be a-comed home. She's busy, that's what she be." "Ah! to be sure. There, Lard now, look at Tilly Ann! He've a-got her up in his arms.

"It's very plain to me, Avice, as thou doesn't live in a house where everything thou does turns to hot water. Me make friends! She'd have 'em out o' th' door afore they'd a-comed in. They wouldn't come twice, I reckon nay, they wouldn't. That'd be end o' my friend-making, Avice." "Uncle Dan, did you never try standing up to Aunt Filomena?" "Did I never try what?

"No, but there's one thing you can't get out of, Miss Jenny, so clever as ye think yerself," cried the outraged possessor of the hearthrug. "You be a-comed here on false pertences. Even if my nevvy be dead you han't a-got no right to these 'ere things now.