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In General Grant's entire army before Vicksburg, composed of the Ninth, part of the Sixteenth, and the whole of the Thirteenth; Fifteenth, and Seventeenth Corps, the aggregate loss, as stated by Badeau, was: Killed: ....................... 1243 Wounded:....................... 7095 Missing: ...................... 535 Total: ........................ 8873

In General Grant's entire army before Vicksburg, composed of the Ninth, part of the Sixteenth, and the whole of the Thirteenth; Fifteenth, and Seventeenth Corps, the aggregate loss, as stated by Badeau, was: Killed: ....................... 1243 Wounded:....................... 7095 Missing: ...................... 535 Total: ........................ 8873

In General Grant's entire army before Vicksburg, composed of the Ninth, part of the Sixteenth, and the whole of the Thirteenth; Fifteenth, and Seventeenth Corps, the aggregate loss, as stated by Badeau, was: Killed: ....................... 1243 Wounded:....................... 7095 Missing: ...................... 535 Total: ........................ 8873

In General Grant's entire army before Vicksburg, composed of the Ninth, part of the Sixteenth, and the whole of the Thirteenth; Fifteenth, and Seventeenth Corps, the aggregate loss, as stated by Badeau, was: Killed: ....................... 1243 Wounded:....................... 7095 Missing: ...................... 535 Total: ........................ 8873