United States or Jordan ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

In 1770 the entire graduating class at Harvard College were dressed in black broadcloth made in this country, the weaving of which had been done in families. Yarn was sent to these after the wool had been made ready in the mills, and the census of the United States for 1810 gives the number of yards woven in this way as 9,528,266.

An interesting recent one is Felix Adler's, in Essays Philosophical and Psychological in Honor of William James; see also the chapter of Dewey and Tufts, Ethics, above mentioned; Paulsen, System of Ethics, book II, chap. V, secs. 3, 4; American Journal of Psychology, vol. 8, p. 528. On responsibility: Mezes, op. cit, pp. 29-35. Sutherland, op. cit, vol. II, chap.

From B.C. 538 to B.C. 528 or 527 she seems to have enjoyed one of these rare intervals of autonomy. Egypt, content with having annexed Cyprus, did not trouble her; Persia, engaged in wars in the far East, made as yet no claim to her allegiance.

I mean, it isn't a place where they cure crazy people?" He said it wasn't. "Well, then," I said, "either I am a lunatic, or something just as awful has happened. Now tell me, honest and true, where am I?" I waited a minute, to let that idea shudder its way home, and then said: "And according to your notions, what year is it now?" "528 nineteenth of June."

The height of these hills is not considerable, the summit of that which I ascended was about 528 feet above the plains. It was seven miles to the south-east of the camp and at the north-west extremity of the range, or the most western part visible from D'Urban's group. I never ascended a hill with feelings of keener interest in the views it commanded.

Gunboats El Cano and General Lezo, built in 1885, iron, 528 tons, 10 to nearly 12 knots, and each mounting three 3.5-inch rifles. Gunboat Marquis Del Duero, built in 1875, iron, 500 tons, 10 knots, and mounting one 6.2-inch and two 4.7-inch rifles.

He was a delegate to the Peace Congress of 1861, and was in the following year elected a United States Senator from Maryland for the term ending in 1869. 24, 36, 96, 136, 163, 198, 203, 264, 270, 271, 384, 427, 454, 455, 461, 492, 528, 532, 533, 534, 547. MORGAN JONES was born in New York City, February 26, 1832, and was educated at the school of St. James' Church.

Since the adjournment, further agreements have been entered into with Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Latvia, Estonia, Italy, and Rumania. These 11 nations, which have already made settlements, represent $6,419,528,641 of the original principal of the loans.

The total expenditures for 1863 are estimated at $12,528,000, leaving an estimated deficiency of $3,145,000 to be supplied from the Treasury in addition to the permanent appropriation.

That which is posterior exists from what is prior, as it exists from what is prior, 330. Between prior and posterior there is no determinate proportion, 326. POWER, active or living, and passive or dead, 480. Whence proceeds the propagative, or plastic force, in seeds of the vegetable kingdom, 238. PRECEPT. He who from purpose or confirmation acts against one precept, acts against the rest, 528.