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In the year before he came to Birmingham , the sum collected in this chapel for the Baptist Missions was £28 4s. 11d. The report for 1874 the last under his care gives the amount collected in the year as £332 5s. 5d.

The total of the income for the orphans, from Dec. 9, 1836, to Dec. 9, 1838, has amounted to £1,341, 4s. 7d.; the total of the expenses to £1,664, 4s. 0¾d. There was two years ago a balance of £373, 4s. 8¼d. in hand, and now the balance is £50, 5s. 3d. Dec. 16. There was a paper anonymously put into the box at Bethesda Chapel containing four pounds ten shillings.

The corporation of Hungerford is peculiar, the head official being termed the constable, who corresponded with the mayor in less original boroughs. At Kingston-upon-Thames in 1572 the accounts show the expenditure: "The making of the cucking-stool . 8s. 0d. Iron work for the same . . . 3s. 0d. Timber for the same . . . 7s. 6d. Three brasses for the same and three wheels 4s. 10d. £1 3s. 4d."

But before the day was over, the Lord helped still further. In the afternoon a gentleman from Bath called at the Boys’-Orphan-House, and gave a cheque for 3l. There was also 1s. given; 2s. 6d. came in for needle-work, and 5s. 6d. for things sold. Thus altogether 4l. 4s. 9d. has been sent by the Lord this day. Nov. 17. Saturday.

It is managed entirely by natives, the head Indian receiving 8 dols., or L1 12s., the second, 6 dols., or L1 4s., the third, 5 dols., or L1 per week. Lumber of all sizes is supplied to the village for building purposes at moderate prices. Thus the Indians are kept independent of the white man's help.

We can most of us remember when a long hard steel pen, which required the nicest management to make it write, cost a shilling, and was used more as a curiosity than as a useful comfortable instrument. About 1820, or 1821, the first gross of three slit pens was sold wholesale at 7 pounds 4s. the gross of twelve dozen. A better article is now sold at 6d. a gross.

Wages have fallen during the last few years to the barest subsistence point, and even below. Wages for men are put at 10s. or 12s., and in the case of girls and young women, fall as low as 4s.; a sum which is in itself insufficient to support life, and must therefore be only paid to women and girls who are partly subsisted by the efforts of relatives with whom they live, or by the wages of vice.

I tried to get some fancy needlework, advertised as an infallible source of income to "ladies in reduced circumstances"; I fitted the advertisement admirably, for I was a lady, and my circumstances were decidedly reduced, but I only earned 4s. 6d. by weeks of stitching, and the materials cost nearly as much as the finished work.

Cotton was sure to go up. An hour later the broker who owned the bonds came in and took up his loan, and John removed two American Navigation 4s from another bundle and handed them to the loan clerk. Of course, the numbers on the bonds were not the same, but few persons would notice a little thing like that, even if they kept a record of it. They had the bonds that was the main thing.

Then again, Dundee being far distant from the coal fields, the coal is exceptionally high in price. I quite believe that in many of the west country towns the coal for which we are paying 5s. per ton could be had for 3s.; and the tar for which we are receiving 4s. per ton, they would get not much under the double of this.