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The author was a citizen of Antwerp, who kept a daily journal of the events as they occurred at Harlem. It is a dry, curt register of horrors, jotted down without passion or comment. Compare Bor, vi. 422, 423; Meteren, iv. 79; Mendoza, viii. 174, 175; Wagenaer, vad.

In South America the Mycetes caraya presents well-marked sexual differences, in colour, beard, and vocal organs; and the male generally lives with two or three wives: the male of the Cebus capucinus differs somewhat from the female, and appears to be polygamous. On the Gorilla, Savage and Wyman, 'Boston Journal of Natural History, vol. v. 1845-47, p. 423.

The loves of animals are altogether united with their connate science, 96. See Beasts. LOVE, adulterous. Concerning the opposition of adulterous love to conjugial love, 423-443. By adulterous love opposite to conjugial love, is meant the love of adultery, so long as it is such as not to be reputed as sin, nor as evil and dishonorable, contrary to reason, but as allowable with reason, 423.

The towns which have become important industrial and commercial centres have naturally grown most rapidly. In the five largest towns of the Empire St. Petersburg, Moscow, Warsaw, Odessa and Lodz the aggregate population rose during the same twelve years from 2,423,000 to 3,590,000, or nearly 50 per cent.

The later of the two dates mentioned by Pausanias has been generally accepted, though not without recent protest. This would give about the year 423 for the completion and erection of this statue. In the fourth century art became even more cosmopolitan than before.

The Lords, aware of the insecure footing on which they stood, were careful not to provoke the hostility of the Commons. Clarend. Pap. iii. 423, 424, 425, 428, 432, 434, 436. There were forty-seven republicans; from one hundred to one hundred and forty counterfeit republicans and neuters, seventy-two lawyers, and above one hundred placemen. Ibid. 440.

Banks's losses in the battle of Sabine Cross-Roads were as follows: Killed. Wounded. Missing. Total. Cavalry Division . . . . 39 250 144 433 Cameron's " . . . . . 24 99 195 318 Landram's " . . . . . 28 148 909 1,085 Emory's " . . . . . 24 148 175 347 Staff of Nineteenth Corps 0 3 0 3 In all . . . 115 648 1,423 2,186 By Taylor the action is called the battle of Mansfield.

The census of 1911 showed that during the decade 1901-10 the numbers of married females per 1000 of ages 0-5 years rose from 13 to 14; of ages 5-10 from 102 to 105; of 10-15 from 423 to 430, and of 15-20 from 770 to 800.

The grounds of that decree are at p. 408, the objections to it at p. 423.

During the same period the expenditures of the Post-Office Department amounted to $1,169,885.51, and consisted of the following items, viz: Compensation to postmasters, $353,995.98; incidental expenses, $30,866.37; transportation of the mail, $784,600.08; payments into the Treasury, $423.08.