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Look at the very title page of their Testimony; where you read, "Act, Declaration and Testimony," plainly distinguishing between declaration and Testimony. Now, all innovators make doctrinal declaration their testimony, reversing our fathers' order; yea, we would add God's order, for he distinguishes between his law and testimony; Ps. lxxviii, 5-7; cv, 42-45.

The cases 42-45 are filled with bronze weapons, including spear-heads from the sepulchres of Etruria; arrow-heads and bronze swords of the Roman time; standards with the famous Roman eagles; helmets, including a famous one dedicated to Jupiter Olympius, by Hiero I. on the occasion of gaining a victory over the Tuscans at Cumae, upwards of four centuries before our era; and one found at Olympia, dedicated by the Argives; bronze plates, and military belts, from Vulci.

Matt. x. 11. Clem. Hom. iii. 71. Luke x. 7. Luke is entirely gratuitous and, to an extent, improbable. Perhaps it may be well to give examples of these before we make any comment upon them. We may thus take Matt. vii. 9-11. Clem. Hom. iii. 56. Luke xi. 11-13. Matt. x. 28. Clem. Hom. xviii. 5. One more longer quotation: Matt. xxiv. 45-51. Clem. Hom. iii. 60. Luke xii. 42-45.