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Then he celebrated three magnificent triumphs, after the example of his uncle the great dictator, for his victories in Dalmatia, at Actium, and in Egypt. At the same time the temple of Janus was closed notwithstanding that border wars still continued in Gaul and Spain for the first time since the year B.C. 235.

As a result of the first two days' fighting in the Arras region the number of German prisoners captured by the British had increased to over 11,000, including 235 officers, 100 guns of large caliber, 60 mortars, and 163 machine guns. The British troops did not rest to enjoy their first day's victories, but pushed on along the greater part of the twelve-mile front from Givenchy to Henin.

He several times takes the two words 'O Tite' to designate the whole treatise; cf. Att. 16, 11, 3 'O Tite' tibi prodesse laetor. QUID: accusative of respect or extent; so nihil in 30, aliquid in 82. A. 240, a; G. 331, 3; H. 378, 2. A. 128, a; G. 151, 1; H. 235. LEVASSO: a form of levavero, which was originally levaveso.

From a high sand ridge I could see a long way to the north-east, seemingly all a dense scrub. The grey mare is unwell again. Distance to-day, thirteen miles. Tuesday, 27th July, Sandy Undulations. Started at 9 a.m. on the same bearing as yesterday, 182 degrees. At twenty-one miles changed our course to 235 degrees to some gum-trees.

Cold arises from various causes, internal, external, and accidental, all of which originate in a dissimilitude of internal inclinations, 275. Spiritual cold is the privation of spiritual heat, 285. Whence it arises, 235. Whence conjugial cold arises, 294. Every one who is insane in spiritual things is cold towards his wife, and warm towards harlots, 294.

The men were kept digging, at the point of the bayonet, all night long pits 100 feet long, 7 feet wide and 7 feet deep, in which the bodies of the dead were thrown and quick-limed and yet I remember that on one occasion 235 corpses lay for forty-eight hours before we could find graves for them."

At the end of two years a poorly armed band of guerrilla soldiers had waged a successful contest against 235,000 well-equipped troops, supported by a militia and a navy, and maintained by supplies from Spain; had adopted a Constitution, and were asking for recognition as a free Republic.

SUCCESSIVE. There is a successive order and a simultaneous order, and there is an influx of successive order into simultaneous order, 314. See Order. SUMMARY of the Lord's commandments, 340, 82. SUN. There is a sun of the spiritual world as there is a sun of the natural world, 380. The sun of the spiritual world proceeds immediately from the Lord, who is in the midst of it, 235.

At 8.55 we crossed the highest point on the Rocky Mountains, 8,235 feet above the sea, on table land, no peaks being more than a few hundred feet above us. The rock here is all red granite, and some of it disintegrated, which is used for ballast. There are many snow sheds on the high land here, but none very long.

Therefore I regard this paragraph, p. 223-4, as a specimen of admirable special pleading 'ad hominem' in the Court of eristic Logic; but I condemn it as a wilful resignation or temporary self-deposition of the reason. I will not suppose what my reason declares to be no position at all, and therefore an impossible sub-position. Ib. p. 235.