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Clement of Rome, and dating from some time in the second century, condemn the practice of young people living together under the cloak of religion, and specially warns virgins against cohabiting with the clergy and so giving offence. That the practice was difficult to suppress is shown by its being condemned by several church councils Antioch in 210, Nicea in 325, and Elvira in 350.

Take of water 1 gallon, clean tallow 3 lbs.; palm oil 6 lbs., and common soda 1/2 lbs.; or tallow 8 lbs., and palm oil 10 lbs. The mixture is to be heated to about 210 degrees, and well stirred till it cools down to about 70 degrees, when it is ready for use.

The love of hearing grounded in the love of hearkening to and obeying has the sense of hearing, and the gratifications proper to it are the various kinds of harmony, 210. The perception of a thing imbibed by hearing only flows in indeed, but does not remain unless the hearer also thinks of it from himself, and asks questions concerning it, 183. HEART, the, signifies love, 75.

"The entire Christian community in Burma, according to the Government Census of 1911, numbers 210,081; of which number, 122,265 are Baptists, while 60,088 are Roman Catholics, 20,784 are Anglicans, 1,675 are Methodists, and the remainder are distributed among smaller sects. That one Protestant convert of 1819 has become an army of one hundred and fifty thousand."

Vous eussiez veu decharger de tous costez des corps a demy pourris, et de tous costez on entendoit vn horrible tintamarre de voix confuses de personnes qui parloient et ne s'entendoient pas." Ibid., 210. For other descriptions of these rites, see Charlevoix, Bressani, Du Creux, and especially Lafitau, in whose work they are illustrated with engravings.

We have encouraged the people of our community as much as possible to secure homes, buy lands, live decently, and be somebody. The following are some typical examples of thrift and industry in the community about us: Turner Moore owns 210 acres of land adjoining ours. He was born near where he lives and was over twenty-five years a slave.

"I was at Liverpool last June. After two or three attempts I contrived to seize on the famous Nathaniel Hawthorne. Need I say that I like him very much? I wish that I could see more of him, but our orbits are wide apart. Now and then once in two years I diverge into and cross his circle, but at other times we are separated by a space amounting to 210 miles.

While the cavalry and the chariots were regarded as the most important portions of the military force, and were the favorite services with the rich and powerful, there is still abundant reason to believe that Assyrian armies, like most others, consisted mainly of foot. Ctesias gives Minis 1,700,000 footmen to 210,000 horsemen, and 10,600 chariots.

Some of these caves were examined by the late Sir T. Mitchell in the Wellington Valley, about 210 miles west of Sidney, on the river Bell, one of the principal sources of the Macquarie, and on the Macquarie itself. The caverns often branch off in different directions through the rock, widening and contracting their dimensions, and the roofs and floors are covered with stalactite.

Pues ninguna cosa de las que entonces declaró es tan pesada como es esto si fuera verdad. X, p. 210: ...este declarante... jamás leyó ningun rabino,... Documentos inéditos, vol.