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It favored the United States contention, giving its proportion of the Mexican payments to the Catholic church in California. A second case, involving issues of war and peace, arose from the action of Great Britain and Germany against Venezuela in the winter of 1902-1903. Subjects of these as well as of other powers had claims against Venezuela.

These periodicals printed articles which portrayed a side of American life not commonly discussed in the newspapers. One of the earliest serials of this type was Miss Ida M. Tarbell's History of the Standard Oil Company, published in McClure's Magazine in 1902-1903. Instead of the ordinary eulogy of the size and success of the Company, Miss Tarbell presented many of its unfair practices.

Harriet Price Sawyer was born in Kent, Ohio, received the degree of B. L. from Oberlin College: was an assistant in the Oberlin College Library 1902-1903; was graduated from the Pratt Institute Library School in 1904; was librarian of the State Normal School at New Paltz, N. Y., 1904-1905; a student in the University of Berlin, Germany, 1905-1906; Library Visitor and Instructor, Wisconsin Library Commission, 1906-1910.

Let us now consider some of the specific instances of alleged inefficiency of the constabulary in suppressing public disorder, cited by Blount. On page 403 of his book he says, speaking of Governor Taft and disorder in the province of Albay which arose in 1902-1903:

Pfeisterrer, G. F. Luthers Lehre von der Beichte, 1857. Klieftoth, Th. Lit. Abhandlungen, 2: Die Beichte und Absolution, 1856. Fischer, E., Zur Geschichte der evangelischen Beichte, 2 vols., 1902-1903. Rietschel, G., Lehrbuch der Liturgik, vol 2, particularly secs. 44, 45, Luthers Affassung der Beichte and Luthers Auffassung von der Absolution. Henry E. Jacobs. Mount Airy, Philadelphia.

It sounds easy under such circumstances to reserve places for the critics, but unless they come a long time in advance they are not likely to get them. His Fear of Libel Actions Some while ago it was in 1902-1903 the critics were aghast editors, too, perhaps.

They varied little, save that the amounts gradually increased toward the end, and the dates were further apart. Thus, in 1898 there were six entries, aggregating five hundred dollars. In 1902-1903 there were no entries at all, but in 1904 there was a single memorandum of a thousand dollars. The entire amount must have been close to twenty-five thousand dollars.

As the schools were just about to close for the summer holidays but little could be accomplished, and none of the work of the school year 1902-1903 could be procured. It is to be regretted that time was not allowed to procure an exhibit of work covering an entire school year.