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In the neighbourhood is a large reservoir in connection with the Bristol water-works. Locking, a parish 3 m. S.E. of Weston-super-Mare, but most easily reached from Worle Station, 1-1/2 m. away. The church was rebuilt in 1863, and its earlier features obliterated, with the exception of the Perp. tower. Long Load, a parish 2 m.

In exactly the same way the religious bodies of the entire South united in an address to Christians throughout the world, early in the year 1863: The recent proclamation of the President of the United States, seeking the emancipation of the slaves of the South, is in our judgment occasion of solemn protest on the part of the people of God. Witches and Women

The first two vols. appeared in 1863 as The History of England from the Accession of James I. to the Disgrace of Chief Justice Cooke, and subsequent instalments appeared under the following titles: Prince Charles and The Spanish Marriage , England under Buckingham and Charles I. , Personal Government of Charles I. , The Fall of the Government of Charles I. ; these were in 1883-4 re-issued in a consolidated form entitled History of England from the Accession of James I. to the Outbreak of the Civil War.

After this check, terrible incidents of war came thick and fast the defeat at Second Manassas, in late August; the horrible drawn battle of Antietam-Sharpsburg, in September; Fredericksburg, that carnival of slaughter, in December; the dearly bought victory of Murfreesboro, which opened 1863. There were other disastrous events at least as serious. Foreign affairs* were at their darkest.

Military Governors Lincoln's Theory of Reconstruction Congressional Election in Louisiana Letter to Military Governors Letter to Shepley Amnesty Proclamation, December 8, 1863 Instructions to Banks Banks's Action in Louisiana Louisiana Abolishes Slavery Arkansas Abolishes Slavery Reconstruction in Tennessee Missouri Emancipation Lincoln's Letter to Drake Missouri Abolishes Slavery Emancipation in Maryland Maryland Abolishes Slavery

It needed a long process of evolution before the murder story could uncoil its sinuous lengths in a series of volumes. The visit to Ste-Marie "a wild little place in Brittany" near Pornic, in the summer of 1863 a visit to be repeated in the two summers immediately succeeding is directly connected with two of the poems of Dramatis Personae.

When the expenses of production were paid, the balance was spent on a whitebait dinner at Greenwich, and on offerings of flowers and jewellery to the lady guests invited. It came to an end, leaving no successor equally brilliant, high- toned, wholesome; its collected numbers figure sometimes at a formidable price in sales and catalogues. The first two volumes of his "Crimea" had appeared in 1863.

In December, 1861, it took $120 in paper money to buy $100 in gold; in 1863 it took $1,900; in 1864, $5,000. Nearly $1,000,000,000 in paper money was issued in all. The Confederate debt at the close of the war was $2,000,000,000. Under the combined influence of depreciated currency and scarcity of goods, prices became ludicrously high. As early as 1862 flour was $40 a barrel and salt $1 a pound.

Accordingly he republished the story in its first form, but with some interpolations and alterations, and then proceeded with other chapters, making ten in all, "concluding it," he says, "rather abruptly when I found it was inartistically prolonged." This was in 1863. But even thus the story was not to be let alone.

In his Annual Message of December, 1863, therefore, President Lincoln, after adverting to the fact that "a year ago the War had already lasted nearly twenty months," without much ground for hopefulness, proceeded to say: "The preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, issued in September, was running its assigned period to the beginning of the New Year.