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The upper Missouri River and the Columbia River country to the Pacific Ocean were explored in 1804-6, by Lewis and Clarke, the first party of white men to cross the continent north of Mexico. Ohio was admitted to the Union in 1802. Fulton's steamboat, the Clermont made her maiden trip from New York to Albany in 1807.

Lewis and Clarke's Travels up the Missouri to the Pacific Ocean, 1804-6. 4to. Pike's Exploratory Travels through the Western Territory of North America. 4to. James's Account of an Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, 1819-20. 3 vols. 8vo. Schoolcraft's Travels to the Sources of the Mississippi. 1820. 8vo. Nuttall's Travels into the Arkansa Territory. 1819. 8vo.

Accordingly, it was not until the elections of 1804-6 that this question of a new constitution could reasonably be made a campaign issue. But before that time the Republicans made three distinct though abortive attempts to secure the electoral power. The Anti-Federalists early began to probe for weak spots in the constitutional government of Connecticut.

J.E. Todd, State Geologist, in his "Preliminary Report on the Geology of South Dakota," gives an interesting "Historical Sketch of Explorations" in his state, beginning with the expedition of Captains Lewis and Clark to the upper Missouri regions in 1804-6 to explore that portion of the recent Louisiana Purchase for the government and notify the Indians of the transfer; and including all other important expeditions since that time down to his own official tour of the Black Hills and Bad Lands in 1894.