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This envoy was kindly treated, and some of the Puritan merchants despatched a pinnace to trade with De la Tour; but they met with D'Aulnay at Pemaquid, who threatened to make prize of any vessel which he caught engaged in the fur trade in Acadia. The Dutch claim to America was comparatively recent, as it was not until 1597 that voyages were undertaken from Holland to the continent.

Moreover, Barendz knew from the Ephemerides for 1589 to 1600, published by Dr. Joseph Scala in Venice, a copy of which work he had brought with him, that on the 24th January, 1597, the moon would be seen at one o'clock A.M. at Venice, in conjunction with Jupiter.

Under this Tower we enter the Inner Ward. It dates from the reigns of Edward III and Richard II, and was called by its present name as early as 1597, being popularly believed to be the scene of the murder of Edward V and his brother the Duke of York, as well as of Henry VI. It was originally known as the Garden Tower, as its upper storey opens on that part of the parade ground which was formerly the Constable's Garden.

We know that he married Anne Hathaway, a woman eight years his senior; that in early manhood he went to London; that he became an actor, dramatist, manager of a theater; that in 1597 he bought New Place, the stateliest residence in Stratford; that he lived in Stratford during the last years of his life as a highly esteemed and worthy man, and that he died in 1616 and was buried in Trinity Church.

P. Cerasus multiplex is a very showy double form, more ornamental than P. Avium muliplex, and also known under the names of Cerasus ranunculiflora and C. Caproniana multiplex. It is a very desirable lawn tree, and flowers at intervals during the summer. Ground Cherry. Europe, 1597.

Peter's at Rome that stood for eight hundred years and, for aught I know, are still standing, as good as on the day when they were put up. "Marriage coffer," said Potts, answering my unspoken question. "Italian, about 1600?" I suggested. "May be so, or perhaps Dutch made by Italian artists; but older than that, for somebody has burnt 1597 on the lid with a hot iron.

II and V. The first of these was published in 1597 and the other soon afterwards and both went through several editions by 1600. For the East Anglian woollen industry see especially the Victoria County Histories of Essex and Suffolk. Deloney's Works, ed. F.O. Mann, p. 213. Thomas Fuller, The Worthies of England , p. 318.

It may be noted, however, in passing that the Italian word "violino" was used as late as 1597 to designate the tenor viol. This instance of uncertainty in terminology warns us to be careful in accepting all things literally.

Their presence in the fleet, the existence of the correspondence, and the progress of the revolt itself, will sufficiently account for the apparent vacillations of English policy in Ulster in the last months of 1597.

In their completed form they belong to the year 1625, but the first edition was printed in 1597 and contained only ten short essays, each of them rather a string of pregnant maxims the text for an essay than that developed treatment of a subject which we now understand by the word essay.