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The pupil first of his father maybe, though Giovanni died when his son was but eleven years old, and later of Timoteo Viti, we hear of Raphael first in the bottega of the greatest of the Umbrian painters, Perugino, at Perugia. Two works of Perugino hang to-day in the Pitti Gallery, the Madonna and Child and the Entombment , painted in 1495, for the nuns of S. Chiara.

On Juanoto's death in 1495, Vespucius was placed by his heirs at the head of the financial department of the house.

Another masterpiece is 1374, Our Lady of Victory, a noble and virile work, painted in 1496 to commemorate the defeat of the French at Taro in 1495 by Isabella's consort, Francesco Gonzaga, the donor, who is seen kneeling in full armour; 1373, is an earlier work, the central and most important of the three sections of the predella of the Triptych at S. Zeno in Verona a powerful, reverent, though somewhat hard, conception of the cardinal tragedy of Christianity.

Erasmus as an Augustinian canon at Steyn His friends Letters to Servatius Humanism in the monasteries: Latin poetry Aversion to cloister-life He leaves Steyn to enter the service of the Bishop of Cambray: 1493 James Batt Antibarbari He gets leave to study at Paris: 1495

Little as Charles was disposed to content himself with empty words, he had to turn his attention to mare serious affairs; so he continued his march to Naples without stopping, arriving there on Sunday, the 22nd of February, 1495. Four days later, the unlucky D'jem, who had fallen sick at Capua died at Castel Nuovo.

The most important form of oversight of Ireland exercised by the Privy Council was that based upon "Poynings's Act" of 1495. This reduced the Irish Parliament to a mere registering body for royal enactments. By this cumbrous method only could the Irish Parliament legislate. It was, moreover, subject not only to the English Privy Council, but to the English Parliament.

Philippe de Commynes, writing of his entry into Venice in 1495, says, "Chascun me feit seoir au meillieu de ces deux ambassadeurs qui est l'honneur d'Italie que d'estre au meillieu; et me menerent au long de la grant rue, qu'ilz appellent le Canal Grant, et est bien large.

At this time the nave arcade was made pointed, and some of the super-abaci carved with Gothic foliage. In 1479 the choir seats were renewed. In 1493, under Nicolò Donato, the winter choir was renewed. In 1495 the high-altar was erected, upon which Antonio di Osteno, Bernardino di Bissone, and Domenico di Udine were employed.

What caused his complete rupture with Columbus remains a mystery; it appears still more inexplicable when we think of the distinguished services that Hojeda had rendered, especially in 1495, at the battle of La Vega, when the Caribbean Confederation was annihilated. All we know is, that on Hojeda's return to Spain he found shelter and protection with Bishop Fonseca.

The league was concluded on the 31st of March, 1495, between Pope Alexander VI., Emperor Maximilian I., as King of the Romans, the King of Spain, the Venetians, and the Duke of Milan: "To three ends," says Commynes, "for to defend Christendom against the Turks, for the defence of Italy, and for the preservation of their Estates.