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"My dear, Charles writes me that Henry has left the army and gone to Europe on business for the Confederates." "Indeed." Some feeling of annoyance troubled her. "Then he at least is in no danger." "None, my dear." "When do you go?" "I am to command the 129th Infantry, and I shall leave about August 1st." "So soon!" She sat still, thinking over what Grey Pine would be without him.

In Westways, as elsewhere, the call of the people's President for three hundred thousand men was felt the more thoughtfully because now it was, of course, known that Penhallow was Colonel of the 129th Infantry; that he had made a great sacrifice of money was also known, but not understood, and Ann Penhallow's half-forgotten politics were again discussed when the village evening parliament met in front of the post-office.

On the right the allied troops were lined up as follows: the Connaught Rangers, Fifty-seventh Wilde's Rifles, the Ferozepore Brigade, the 129th Baluchis, the Jullundur Brigade, and General Riddell's battalions. The Sirhind Brigade was held in reserve. The German artillerymen apparently knew the distances and topography of the entire region and poured a leaden hail upon the allied troops.

What can his thoughts be this man alone in the rain as if under a curse, who goes upright away, forward, when space is changed into a shrieking machine? By the light of a cascade of flashes I thought I saw a strange monk-like face. Then I saw more clearly the face of an ordinary man, muffled in a comforter. "It's a chap of the 150th, not the 129th," stammers a voice by my side.

You were all for Buchanan, and then all for Lincoln. Now you're uneasy on the top rail of the fence and the rail ain't round." The parliament broke into laughter, and with more talk dissolved after some critical wisdom about the war. It was July 30th, after ten at night, the day before the final Sunday of the month. The Colonel of the 129th stood with Leila before a big war map.

I really could not help shuddering at this. He then repeated a psalm for that purpose, the 130th in our Bible, but the 129th in theirs.

The 124th Ohio was organized in Cleveland, most of its companies recruited there and the regiment officered mainly by Cleveland men. The 125th Ohio was organized in Cleveland, with some Cleveland recruits. It did duty on Johnson's Island. The 129th Ohio was organized in Cleveland, having been partially recruited and officered in the same place. It was organized for six months' service.

It was a jemindar of the 129th who spoke. "Yes, a German sahib called to me in Hindustani, 'Ham dost hein Hamari pas ao Ham tum Ko Nahn Marenge." Which being translated is, "We are friends, come to us, we won't kill you." "And you, Mula Sing, what think you of this war?" The Woordie-Major replied: "Sahib, never was there a war like this war, since the world began.

Isaac Vossius fixes the date of it prior to the age of Homer: Vossius the father, subsequent to it: Wesseling doubts whether it was even prior to Herodotus. Campomanes fixes it about the 93d Olympiad: and Mr. Dodwell somewhere between the 92d and the 129th Olympiad.

Meanwhile he had accepted the command of the 129th Pennsylvania infantry which was being drilled at Harrisburg, so that he was told there was no occasion for haste in assuming charge. But at last he felt that he must no longer delay.