United States or Western Sahara ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Orders were sent to Generals Thomas and Schofield to turn straight for Jonesboro, tearing up the railroad-track as they advanced. About 3.00 p.m. the enemy sallied from Jonesboro against the Fifteenth corps, but was easily repulsed, and driven back within his lines.

Paid Hightower Hotel................ $ 42,983.75 Keep of horses, and extra horse and carriage hire....................... 5,628.50 Chartering steam-yacht Viluca three months.............................. 24,000.00 Expenses running yacht.............. 46,850.28 W. U. Telegraph Company............. 32.65 Incidentals......................... 882,763.90 Total $1,002,259.08

Another incident of the period is as follows: "After selling papers in Port Huron, which was often not reached until about 9.30 at night, I seldom got home before 11.00 or 11.30.

In this way the pope had secured a double haul; for, in his twofold speculation in this wretched young man, he had sold him alive to Charles for 120,000 livres and sold him dead to Bajazet for 300,00 ducats....

The Upas Tree ==A Christmas Story for All the Year== ==With Frontispiece in Color. $1.00 net. By mail, $1.10== A story of rare charm, powerful in conception, compelling in narrative, and wholesome in effect. New York G.P. PUTNAM'S SONS London The White Shield By the Author of "Lavender and Old Lace," "The Master's Violin," etc.

Don't you worry about the sheriff selling me out, for if I live I can easily make a go of it, and if I should die suddenly, I've a $10,000.00 life insurance policy in the Farmers' Mutual that will pay off the mortgage and leave something for Bettie besides.

Longitude, deduced from our time-keeper of the meridian of Greenwich, and which agrees with that laid down in the new requisite tables, but which certainly are not correct: 42° 44' 00" west. Longitude, determined by two astronomers sent from Portugal for that and other purposes: 43° 18' 45" west.

Having at this time of the year much bad weather, and very heavy gales of wind, I must observe, that I had, as well as many others, believed till now, that the gales had never blown upon the coast in such a direction, but that a ship, on being close in with the land when such a gale commenced, might gain an offing on one tack or the other; but we now found, that those gales are as variable in their direction upon this coast as any other during the winter season: I would, therefore, recommend it to ships bound to any port here to the southward of latitude 30° 00' south, at this time of the year to get in or near the parallel of their port, before they attempt to make the land; as in that case, if a gale from the eastward should take them when near the land, they would have their port under their lee, for it would be next to an impossibility for a ship to keep off the land with such a sea as these gales occasion.

List of Prices First half of the house, with seats................... $1.00 Second half, back to the wall......................... .50 Seats in the windows, with steps to get at them....... .50 Seats in the balcony, first two rows.................. .75 General admission, with a chance for a seat........... .25 Tickets in advance may be purchased beforehand at Ed. McGowan's Spiritual Emporium

9 Cooking Demonstrations by Home Demonstration Agent, or some well- known local cook, High School or Normal School student. 10 Singing by Choir or Quartette on porch of Demonstration Home each evening at about 7:30 and 8:00 o'clock. 12 Radio Program at Demonstration Home, or elsewhere in the city. 13 Lectures on Home Equipment, Decoration or Furnishing by experts, in local auditorium.