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For the name itself, John Hamlin Power, told me of a career in Wall Street brief, but conspicuous in its daring and success; a career in which this immaculate, smiling young cotillion leader had made the very monarchs of finance fear the élan of his attack, the relentless quality of his grip.

So do also the Greek words for the same, which are Horme and Aphorme." In this connection, I beg leave to suggest that these Greek terms are more usefully applied to dreams and to the passions in general, in their uncomplicated primitive sense, rather than in the new way that Dr. C. G. Jung is suggesting for Horme, as a companion word for Libido or for elan vital.

What little cavalry Napoleon had was commanded by General Latour-Maubourg, a most distinguished soldier, who led it with such élan that the enemy were overwhelmed and abandoned the field after heavy losses. Those suffered by the French, though fewer, were most painful.

The incidents of the week passed before her one by one her sallies, her defiances, her impulsive friendliness, the élan, the happiness of the last two days, the self-abandonment of this evening. Oh, intolerable intolerable! And all to end with the intimation that she had been behaving like a forward child had gone too far and must be admonished made to feel accordingly!

It has been said that M. Bergson's system precludes ethics: I cannot think that observation just. In the first place, the élan vital ought not to falter, although it can do so: therefore to persevere, labour, experiment, propagate, must be duties, and the opposite must be sins.

The two men wore short sarongs around their loins, the women's dress, though somewhat shorter; otherwise they were nude except for bands, to which numerous small metal rattles were attached, running over either shoulder and diagonally across chest and back. After a preliminary trial, during which one of them danced with much elan, he said: "I felt a spirit come down in my body. This will go well."

De Beauxchamps conversed almost gaily with such of the ladies as had sufficient command of their feelings to join the throng that pressed about him and his companions. He was deeply touched by the story of the recent rescue of his countrymen from the Pyrenees, and he went among them, trying to cheer them up, with the elan that no misfortune can eradicate from the Gallic nature.

You possess qualities you will pardon me in which your countrywomen are lacking, esprit, imagination, elan, the power to bind people to you. I have read you as you have not read yourself. I have seen how you have served yourself by this famille Holt, and how at the same time you have kept their friendship." "Vicomte!" she exclaimed.

Sex has at least some definite reference, though when Freud makes sex accountable for everything he as good as makes it accountable for nothing. We refuse any Cause, whether it be Sex or Libido or Elan Vital or ether or unit of force or perpetuum mobile or anything else. But also we feel that we cannot, like Moses, perish on the top of our present ideal Pisgah, or take the next step into thin air.

Filled with élan, determined to throw the invader backward, stung by the loss of trenches which had been French but a little while before, and eager beyond all words to bring assistance to that gallant yet sadly-thinned line which had staved off the Kaiser's hordes, this 20th Corps the first of the reserves which General Petain had been able to rush to the scene of action hurled itself impetuously at the Germans.