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They have not been much thought of in Janet's case. I mean to act as justly as I can by my daughter, but I have absolutely nothing to give her at present. Till I know what my own means may prove to be I can do nothing." "But madame holds out zie hope of some endowment. I shall be in a condition to be independent of it, but it would be sweet to my wife as a token of pardon.

The stones rolled from the hills were lost in the tall wild grass, and on descending into the valley A Zie called his sister to come and see the stones he had placed. She, however, was not satisfied, and suggested as another test that each should take a knife from a double sheath and, going again to the opposite hill-tops, hurl them into the valley below.

Zat is for you English military, whose veapon is zie horse- vhip." "As you will soon feel," said Jock, "if you attempt to bully my mother. What does it mean, mother dear?" "He made a mistake," she said, in a quick, tremulous tone, showing how much she was shaken. "He thinks me a quack doctor's widow, whose secret is matter of bargain and sale." "Madame! I offered most honourable terms."

Thunder was of bad disposition, Thunder sent water and destroyed the earth. Why don't you know? In this story of the flood only two persons were saved in a large bottle gourd used as a boat, and these were A Zie and his sister. After the flood the brother wished his sister to become his wife, but she objected to this as not being proper.

"That is to be kicked out of the house, as you shortly will be, if you do not take yourself off." "Sir, your amiable affection for madame leads you to forget, as she does, zie claim of your sister." "No one has any claim on my mother," said Jock. "Zie moral claim- zie claim of affection," began the Greek; but Caroline interrupted him "Dr. Hermann is not the person fitly to remind me of these.

But the people, who prided themselves on being what they called uppen zie schnuffen, or, as we should say, "up to snuff," and equal to every occasion, had already seen a way out of the difficulty.

I heard of the medico here inquiring what precise symptom der Englander meant by being "down in zie mout!" Poor Griff is that, whatever else he is, and Selina does not see it, nor anything else but her rouge et noir table.

If both these knives were found in the sheath in the valley she would marry him, but if the knives were found apart they would live apart. Again the brother surreptitiously placed two knives in the sheath, and, the experiment ending as A Zie wished, his sister became his wife. They had one child, a misshapen thing without arms or legs, which A Zie in great anger killed and cut to pieces.

The legend of the Flood is another very silly composition, but it is interesting to note that it tells of a great deluge. It commences: Who came to the bad disposition, To send fire and burn the hill? Who came to the bad disposition, To send water and destroy the earth? I who sing don't know. Zie did. Zie was of bad disposition, Zie sent fire and burned the hill; Thunder did.

"Terms, indeed! I told you the affair is no empirical secret to be bought." "Yet madame knows that I am in possession of a portion of zie discovery, and that it is in my power to pursue it further, though, for family considerations, I offer her to take me into confidence, so that all may profit in unison," said the Greek, in his blandest manner.