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The last to leave had reported them being loaded into great ground vehicles under a defending escort, to travel through the dark jungle roads to Yugna. A vast concourse of empty vehicles was trailing into the jungle after them, to bring back the food which would keep Rahn from starving, for a while. It all seemed wholly regular.

The city loses better than one per cent of its population a year to the jungle. And then they're Ragged Men, half mad at all times and wholly mad as far as the city and its machines are concerned." Evelyn linked her arm in his. "Somehow," she told him, smiling, "I think one Thomas Reames is working out ways and means to help a city named Yugna." "Not yet," said Tommy grimly.

"But uh there're other cities they could stick up, ain't there?" "We've warned them," said Tommy curtly. "They've got thermit-throwers mounted on their food supplies, too. And they're desperate enough to keep Rahn off. They're willing enough to let Yugna do the fighting, but they know what Rahn's winning will mean." Smithers turned away, then turned back. "Uh Mr.

He withdrew into a troubled silence as the fleet swept far from triumphantly for him. Denham had not spoken at all, though his eyes had blazed savagely upon the men of Rahn. Now he spoke, dry-throatedly: "Tommy Evelyn " "She is all right so far," said Tommy bitterly. "She's to be ransomed by foodstuffs, paid at the gates of Yugna. And Jacaro bragged he's running Rahn and they've got gas masks.

"I'm bringing 'em down," he explained unnecessarily to Evelyn, "by smashing their propellers. They have to land, and when they land they're hostages I hope!" Confusion became apparent among the hostile planes. The one Yugna ship was identified as the source of disaster. Tommy worked his rifle in cold fury. He aimed at no man, but the propelling grids were large.

Yugna pays food and goods and women or it's wiped out by gas. Further, it surrenders its aircraft to make further collections easier. Rahn refuses to die, though it's let in the jungle. It's turned pirate stronghold. Fed and clothed by a few other cities like this one, it should be able to hold out. It's a racket, Evelyn. A stick-up. A hijacking of a civilised city. Sounds like Jacaro."

We'll have to see if you can't distinguish yourself further." Again the Council hall in the tower of government in the Golden City of Yugna. Again the queer benches about the black wood table though two of the seats that had been occupied were now empty. Again the guards behind the chairs, and the crowd of watchers visitors, citizens of Yugna attending the deliberations of the Council.

He added that the loss to Yugna was less than one man to ten of the enemy. And he added with still greater emphasis that the shops being fitted with automatic controls had released now it had grown so much two thousand men from the necessary day-and-night working force, and further releases were to be expected. The demands of the machines were lessened already beyond the memory of man.

Then the crew of the one grounded freighter arrived on the landing stage and the flapping flier rose slowly and rejoined the fleet. Its crew shouted a shamefaced reassurance to the flagship. "I suppose," said Tommy bitterly, "we'd better go back if you're sure the women are safe." "I am sure," said the old man unhappily, "or I had not agreed to pay half the foodstuffs in Yugna for their return."

But I'm sayin' it again we got the women. Your girl, for one! Now, how about throwin' in with me, you an' the professor?" "No," said Tommy. "In a coupla months, Rahn'll be runnin' this planet," said Jacaro blandly, "and I'm runnin' Rahn! I didn't know how easy the racket'd be, or I'd 've let Yugna alone. I'd 've come here first. Now get it!