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Updated: August 3, 2024

At the sound of her voice, Doreen stopped and apologised for having made her run. 'Are you blind? Didn't you see me when you came out of the station? cried Vava. Doreen gave her a very funny look. 'Yes-s, she said hesitatingly; and then, seeing Vava's look of astonishment, she added lamely, 'I was in a hurry to get to school.

"Did you did you think Fromentin was a Jew? God bless me! he's no more one than I am! Why, not even so much, for there IS a Herschell in my pedigree. Why, dear man, they were Crusaders!" Thorpe smiled somewhat sheepishly. "I never noticed much," he said. "It was a foreign-looking name. I took it for granted." Lord Chaldon bent his brows a little. "Yes-s" he murmured, meditatively.

"Yes-s but how'n hell did a doctor know about it?" Sorry, the silent, blurted unexpectedly. "Oh, never mind but get dad in. I'll " She ran past them without finishing her sentence and burst incoherently into the presence of an extremely calm little man with gray whiskers and dust on the shoulder of his coat. These details, I may add, formed the sum of Lorraine's first impression of him. "Well!

He asked: "What of those little prisms which you've manufactured? I've heard that even now they are lying on the table in your study." "That's true," said Trirodov dryly. "And I'm told that your present is not absolutely clean either," observed Ostrov. "Yes?" asked Trirodov derisively. "Yes-s," continued Ostrov jeeringly.

Baxter admired it the other day." "Yes-s," faltered John dubiously. "Then why do you hesitate? You know what it is, and what it is worth, as an investment, I mean. By taking your time and selling it right you can surely double your money." "But" "No, there it is. I am honestly doing you a favour," and Novelli thrust the swathed cross into the hands of his fairly hypnotised customer.

"Why, yes-s, down this way; I live near it, up at Gage." "I see, your first trip down. Got a nice gasolene boat, though!" "Oh, yes! You're stopping here?" "Just arrived this morning; trying to make up my mind whether I'll go over on St. Francis, turkey-and deer-hunting, or get a boat and drop down the Mississippi. Been wondering about that." "Well, say, now why can't you drop down with me?"

"Yes-s, purty good now. I caught a nice mess the other day; but Marthy, she don't favor my goin' fishin'." The lean hands of Jase moved slowly at his task. Billy Louise, watching him, wondered why he did not hurry a little and finish sooner. Still, she could not remember ever seeing Jase hurry at anything, and the Cove with its occupants was one of her very earliest memories.

"Yes-s," said Thorpe, thoughtfully. He accepted the application without any qualms about the splendour of the comparison it rested upon. He had done the great things, just as Semple said, and there was no room for false modesty about them in his mind. "The trouble is," he began, "that I did what I had always thought I wanted to do most. I was quite certain in my mind that that was what I wanted.

"Yes-s," said Marian slowly, "but let's hope we don't have to; I'm afraid I'd get awful hungry." They dined that night, quite happily, on a third of their duck, soup made of duck's broth and condensed milk, and half of a pilot biscuit. "Oh, Marian," said Lucile, as she thought of sleep, "that kiak's so crowded when we sleep there." "Yes-s," said Marian, thoughtfully, "it is.

Very solemnly he licked his thumb and polished a certain place along the edge of the yellow ivory handle, and held it so the Happy Family could see three tiny notches. "Them's three argyments she shore settled," he stated grimly, and turned slowly upon Luck. "Yes-s, I calc'late I can play shurf for ye, all right enough."

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