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I mind when it would hae driven me out to play amang the wreaths like a daft year-auld collie . Aye, and I am no sure that I wad not like a turn the noo not o' that saft stuff that will melt and be gane the morn's mornin', but the fine kind that sifts up your sleeve and down your neck! But for the puir herds on the hill, wae's me, it will be a wakerife time for them.

An' me that was mother an' father both to her that did rock her cradle with these hands an' wash the li'l year-auld body of her. To forget all all she owed! It cuts me that deep!" "Deep as a wire into cheese, I lay. An' well it may; but han't no new thing; you stablish yourself with that.

Ye might try it on the bauson-faced year-auld quey; an it does nae gude, it can do nae ill. She was a kind woman, and seemed skeely about horned beasts. When I reach Lunnon, I intend to gang to our cousin Mrs.

Auld John Anderson was Provost that year the carle grat for joy, and the bailies and councillors danced bare-headed in our presence like five- year-auld colts, for very triumph." "It was indeed a happy day," said Lord Huntinglen, "and will not be forgotten in the history of your Majesty's reign."

Ye might try it on the bauson-faced year-auld quey; an it does nae gude, it can do nae ill. She was a kind woman, and seemed skeely about horned beasts. When I reach Lunnon, I intend to gang to our cousin Mrs.