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It would be impossible to express the distraction monsieur du Plessis testified at this expression: a thousand times over did he repeat that dreadful word NEVER; then added, neither engaged by love or promise, yet never can be mine! does my ill fate come wrap'd to me in riddles! yet many things have seemed impossible that are not so in themselves: O Louisa! continued he, if there be any thing beside my want of merit that impedes my wishes, and you delight not in my torment, speak it I conjure you.

"To conclude, we fairly chang'd linnen, nor could his mother's have wrap'd him up more fortunately; for in about ten days he marry'd the Lady." The gallant Colonel not only married the ex-Countess but became so flirtatious with at least one other woman that he suggested to Cibber the most risqué scene in the "Careless Husband."

Her Eyes with scalding Rheum were gall'd and red, Cold Palsy shook her Head; her Hands seem'd wither'd; And on her crooked Shoulders had she wrap'd The tatter'd Remnants of an old striped Hanging, Which served to keep her Carcase from the Cold: So there was nothing of a Piece about her.

"A lazy fellow it implies, Who in the morning hates to rise; When all the rest are up at four, He wants to sleep a little more. When others into meeting swarm, He keeps his nest so good and warm, That sometimes when the sisters come To make the beds and sweep the room, Who do they find wrap'd up so snug? Ah! who is it but Mr. Slug.

Bright as an angel from Walhalla's hall, More beautiful than aught of earth was he! Heaven-mild his look, as sunbeams when they fall, Reflected from a calm cerulean sea. His warm embrace oh, ravishing delight! With heart to heart the fiery pulses danced Our every sense wrap'd in ecstatic night Our souls in blissful harmony entranced. His kisses oh, what paradise of feeling!