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Their only inhabitants are a few poor Indians, who are employed by the rich proprietors of the lower valleys as shepherds; for upon these cold uplands thrive sheep, and cattle, and llamas, and flocks of the wool-bearing alpaco.

In another century, or even in another generation, the horse may, save for the uses of war, be confined to the position of a luxury and an ornament. Effect of this Group of Animals on Man. First Subjugations. Basis of Domesticability. Horned Cattle. Wool-bearing Animals. Sheep and Goats. Camels: their Limitation.

Indeed, one of the minor excitements of shearing was then and there transacted. Mr Gordon had more than once warned a dark sullen-looking man that he did not approve of his style of shearing. He was temporarily absent, and on his return found the same man about to let go a sheep whose appearance, as a shorn wool-bearing quadruped, was painful and discreditable in the extreme.

If such differences occurred in the wild state, they would be regarded as separating the two types of animals widely from each other. In treating the wool-bearing animals along with beasts of burden, we make a somewhat fanciful classification which yet is not quite without reason.

Their only inhabitants are a few poor Indians, who are employed by the rich proprietors of the lower valleys as shepherds; for upon these cold uplands thrive sheep, and cattle, and llamas, and flocks of the wool-bearing alpaco.

Thus the beak of the elnerve is weak and often splits, so as to render its rearing troublesome and entail considerable losses; while the horns of the wool-bearing animals are long and strong enough to be formidable, but so rough and coarsely grained that they are turned to no account for use or ornament.