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'To the Prefect of the Corn market how many wheat-ships have you ordered to be unladen? 'Two, your Excellency. 'Well, that will be largess enough for the time being. To the Defender of the Plebs the devil break his neck! 'He may be trusted, most noble; he is bitterly jealous of Cyril's influence. And moreover, he owes my insignificance much money. 'Good!

Now for this matter, which is really important-at least to Gentiles. Heraclian will certainly rebel. Synesius let out as much to me. He has fitted out an armament for Ostia, stopped his own wheat-ships, and is going to write to you to stop yours, and to starve out the Eternal City, Goths, senate, emperor, and all.

Everything that he touched prospered. He bought a tract of land in the Caucasus, and emeralds were discovered among the mountains. He sent a fleet of wheat-ships to Italy, and the price of grain doubled while it was on the way. He sought political favour with the emperor, and was rewarded with the governorship of the city. His name was a word to conjure with.

'Did the Pentapolitan wheat-ships go to Rome? 'No; Orestes stopped them when he stopped the Alexandrian convoy. 'Then the Jews have the wheat, trust them for it; and what they have I have. There are certain moneys of mine lying at interest in the seaports, which will set that matter to rights for a month or two. Do you find an escort to-morrow, and I will find wheat.

'Let me see.... No. They may make inquiries there. Drown him at sea. Nobody can ask questions of the sharks. 'Foundered between Tyre and Crete, from which sad calamity only one man escaped on a raft, and being picked tip, after three weeks' exposure to the fury of the elements, by a returning wheat-ship By the bye, most noble, what am I to say about those wheat-ships not having even sailed?

'I have unladen several of the wheat-ships for enormous largesses of bread: though those rascally monks of Tabenne had nearly forestalled my benevolence, and I was forced to bribe a deacon or two, buy up the stock they had sent down, and retail it again as my own. It is really most officious of them to persist in feeding gratuitously half the poor of the city!

'A fine sparkling breeze outside the Pharos, Raphael fair for the wheat-ships too. 'Are they gone yet? 'Yes why? I sent the first fleet off three days ago; and the rest are clearing outwards to-day. 'Oh! ah so! Then you have not heard from Heraclian? 'Heraclian? What the-blessed saints has the Count of Africa to do with my wheat-ships? 'Oh, nothing. It's no business of mine.

Everything that he touched prospered. He bought a tract of land in the Caucasus, and emeralds were discovered among the mountains. He sent a fleet of wheat-ships to Italy, and the price of grain doubled while it was on the way. He sought political favour with the emperor, and was rewarded with the governorship of the city. His name was a word to conjure with.