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I want to marry not this girl or that, but whom ever I will. I don't care to coine to you with my hat in my hand, asking how much you'll be kind enough to allow me if I venture to take Miss So-and-so or Miss What-you-may-call-it.

Meanwhile, to return from this long digression, Lucy, Tilly, and Jacky bathed, while Mrs Brown watched and scolded. This duty performed, they returned to the house, where they found the remainder of the party ready for a journey on foot to Lake "What-you-may-call-it," which lake Lucy named the Lake of the Clouds, its Gaelic cognomen being quite unpronounceable.

"I'll be around to-morrow at 10:15," said Thomas, "with some spinach and a case of carbonic." "I'll practice that what-you-may-call-it," said Celia. "I can whistle a fine second." The processes of courtship are personal, and do not belong to general literature.

"Well," said I, "that's explained away very happily. What I saw was only something else and what I heard was something else too. You put the alternatives so clearly, Jack, that one can't help being convinced. And what about the shooting affair? I only heard a thingumabob and saw a what-you-may-call-it, I suppose?"

A burst of laughter followed and Tilly gave a shriek of delighted surprise that at once dissolved the spell, and induced the horrified fowl to seek refuge in precipitate flight. "By the way," said Mrs Sudberry, "that reminds me that this would be a most charming day for your excursion over the mountains to that Lake What-you-may-call-it."

The telephone directory is a safe guide, much more so than an old letter or bill head or an uncertain memory. Information may be called if the number is not in the directory, but one should be definite even with her. She cannot supply the number of Mr. What-you-may-call-it or of Mr. Thing-um-a-bob or of Mr.

There ain't a morsel of danger; he's come safe all the way from London, and I never see a better bit of manoeuvring, I will say, than when he brought the what-you-may-call-it down on the deck as light as a feather. It'll be a big sight safer than this poor old hulk, and I'll be thankful to know as you're safe in Penang.

Skewton when she finds herself, after convolutions of speech, somehow on the subject of Henry VIII., and pauses to mention with approval "his dear little peepy eyes and his benevolent chin." Nothing could be better than her attempt at Mahomedan resignation when she feels almost inclined to say "that there is no What's-his-name but Thingummy, and What-you-may-call-it is his prophet!"

Fever was what-you-may-call-it there yes, "endemic" that was the word; "oh, thank you, Dr. Cumberledge." She hated the very name of fever. "Now you, Miss Wade, I suppose," with an awestruck smile, "are not in the least afraid of it?" Hilda looked up at her calmly. "Not in the least," she answered. "I have nursed hundreds of cases." "Oh, my, how dreadful! And never caught it?" "Never.

He showed them to Briscoe, who nodded and said: "You have struck it pretty rich." "But how do I know that this isn't that what-you-may-call-it that's nearly all sulphur that pretty yellow ore of iron?" "Iron pyrites?" said the American: "by trying it with the edge of your knife." "How?"