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I was a slave in Carlina, an' I had a good massa, Miss; a fus-rate man, but he done tuk sick an' died, an' then wh-e-ew," and he gave a long, low whistle, "thar cum sich a time thar; de ole woman she done no nuthin' 'bout de biznis, an' de big son he sell all de niggers an' get all de money, an' dars whar my trubbel begin.

"Eh?" he stammered, recovering himself. "Your pardon, ma'am. I wasn't aware that a lady " Here his eyes, travelling to the end of the table, were arrested by the vision of Ruth Josselin. "Wh-e-ew!" he whistled, under his breath. "Sir Oliver " Batty Langton stood up. "Hey?" The name gave Captain Harry yet another shock. He spun about again upon his brother. "'Sir Oliver'? Whats he saying?"

"I I knew they would," says Martha, "just as soon as I heard he'd been here. He he always wanted her to do it." "Always?" says I. "Why, I thought he hadn't seen her for forty years or so. How could that be?" "We-we-well," sobs Martha, "I I stopped them once. And she engaged to the Rev. Mr. Preble at the time! It was scandalous! Such a wild, reckless fellow Kyrle Ballard was too." "Wh-e-ew!"

"Say, Mr. Robert," says I. "You don't happen to know an old party by the name of Zenobia Preble, do you?" "I do," says he. "It isn't exactly an accident, either. She is a cousin of my father." "Gee!" says I. "Cousin to the old to the boss! Wh-e-ew!" "Rather an original old lady, Zenobia," says Mr. Robert.

A tiny hill rose by a deserted shepherd's hut, and a miniature burn trickled down to the sea. The place had once been used as a grazing ground for a few sheep, but of late years had been entirely uninhabited. 'Now look, Allan, said Reggie, as they stood by the bit of dyke which protected the windy side of the cottage. 'Wh-e-ew, said Allan; 'you have made a jolly place of it!

"Here, lads! here, lads! wh-e-ew!" and followed by his setters, with his gun under his arm, away went Harry; and catching up our pieces likewise, we followed, nothing loth, Tim bringing up the rear with the two spaniels fretting in their couples, and a huge black thorn cudgel, which he had brought, as he informed me, "all t' way from bonny Cawoods."