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Wilkinson the Lady of the Govr. & Genl. we wer Sorry to find in delicate health. we were honored with a Salute of Guns and a harty welcom at this place there is a publick Store kept in which I am informed the U. S have 60000$ worth of indian Goods Hunt and Set out decended to the Mississippi and down that river to St.

We were met by all the village and received a harty welcom from its inhabitants &c here I found my old acquaintance Maj W. Christy who had settled in this town in a public line as a Tavern Keeper. He furnished us with storeroom for our baggage and we accepted of the invitation of Mr. Peter Choteau and took a room in his house. We payed a friendly visit to Mr.

Bridgar to come receave his Provisions, hee told me hee thought it too rash an action for him to venture himself so great a voyadge in so small a vessell, & desired I would give him passage in our shipp, supposing all along that I would compell him to imbark for ffrance. I told him hee should bee very welcom, & that I intended not to force him to anything but only to quitt the place.

I never saw anything but stock and horses get poisoned with loco weed. No the school is not built yet. They are always big talkers on Bear Creek. No I have not seen Steve. He is around but I am sorry for him. Yes I have been to Medicine Bow. I had the welcom I wanted. Do you remember a man I played poker and he did not like it? He is working on the upper ranch near Ten Sleep.

Louis at which place we arived about 12 oClock. we Suffered the party to fire off their pieces as a Salute to the Town. we were met by all the village and received a harty welcom from it's inhabitants &. here I found my old acquaintance Majr.

"You's bery welcom, sah," responded Ben, touching his hat respectfully, then walking away toward Mr. Dinsmore's cottage. "From Washington," the captain remarked, more to himself than to Max, as he broke the seal. Max watched him while he read, then asked, a little tremulously, "Must you go very soon, papa?" "Within three days, my boy.

Besides these principal meters, Chaucer in his short poems used many other poetical forms modeled after the French, who in the fourteenth century were cunning workers in every form of verse. Chief among these are the difficult but exquisite rondel, "Now welcom Somer with thy sonne softe," which closes the "Parliament of Fowls," and the ballad, "Flee fro the prees," which has been already quoted.

Do you disperse to the old Companies, Bid 'em be ready; tell 'em now is the time, And charge 'em keepe a strong eye ore the Burgers. Ile up to'th Guard. Sold. Wee'le doe it seriously. Enter Prince of Orange, William, Captaine, Leiutenant, &c. Or. None of our frends upon the Portt? Is this the welcom Of such a Towne, so bound in preservation To us and ours? 2 Cap. The Prince is sadly angry. Leiut.

Dryden's verdict on Chaucer's poetry is: "Here is God's plenty." V. His love of nature is noteworthy for that early age. Such lines as these manifest something more than a desire for rhetorical effect in speaking of nature's phenomena: "Now welcom somer, with thy sonne softe, That hast this wintres weders over-shake, And driven awey the longe nightes blake !"

The room was bedizened with flowers, in dishes, tins, and gallon jars, so that it seemed some way an alien thing, like a prune horse. On the lamp shelf was the huge white carnation pillow, across which the hostess had inscribed "welcom," in stems. Within ten minutes of the appointed hour all those who had been pleased to accept were in the rooms, and Mrs.