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She remembered people's ill turns, and what was done for them; and for the well she remembered dates and suggested agreeable occupations gave them happy ideas. Besides being a calendar of domestic traditions, she was weather-wise, and prognosticated gales, meteors, high tides, and rains. Home, father said, was her sphere. All that she required, he thought he could do; but of me he was doubtful.

Bat cast a weather-wise eye toward the sky which, cloudless, nevertheless seemed filmed with a peculiar haze that obscured the million lesser stars and distorted the greater ones, so that they showed sullen and angry and dull like the malignant pustules of a diseased skin. "A'm t'ink she gon' for bus' loose pret' queek." "Another thunder storm and a deluge of rain?" asked Alice.

But the keen east wind showed no signs of changing for a whole ten days. Then, suddenly, there came a touch of softer air and the weather-wise began to prophesy. Hibbert, who was delicately sensitive to the least change in earth or sky, was perhaps the first to feel it. Only he did not prophesy.

The nineteenth was that great king, bad man, and worse father, Henry Curtmantle himself. It was a very dark night, without moon or stars, a hot and still night wherein a man weather-wise might smell the rain.

The frost was not yet out of the ground, although the snow was nearly gone, except in a few places on the north side of the woods, or where it had drifted all winter against a length of fence. "There must be a good deal o' snow to the nor'ard of us yet," said weather-wise Mrs. Trimble. "I feel it in the air; 't is more than the ground-damp.

My congratulations to those who are nearly done with the nuisances of this world. Give your staff to your little grandson to ride horse on. You are going to be young again, and you will have no need of crutches. May the clouds around the setting sun be golden, and such as to lead the "weather-wise" to prophesy a dear morning! Quizzle.

The northern Marina, the towns of Capri and Ana-Capri, even the little terraced fields become discernible to the naked eye: “It will be wet to-morrowaugur the weather-wise of Naples, and the prediction is rarely falsified.

"Young lady a-ketchin' cold, I'm afeerd," he said, with respectful solicitude. "Do you think the rain will last long?" said Agatha politely. The man examined the sky with a weather-wise air for some moments. Then he turned to Agatha, and replied humbly: "The Lord only knows, Miss. It is not for a common man like me to say."

She amused him, and amusement was the nearest to sunshine his soul was capable of reaching. All his weather else was gray, with a touch of the lurid on the western horizon of which he was not weather-wise enough to take heed. He had been at school with Barbara's father, but did not like her any better for that.

The carriage-road is formed of the outer side of the Park. There is likewise an enclosure for Tortoises, of which there are three large and several small ones. We saw one of them devouring pumpkin as a gourmand would turtle, and this voracity is by weather-wise people considered as a sure indication of rain.