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"I wazh only djust pyayin' mamma, an' walkin' in ze yain wif an umbayalla," Toddie explained. I threw him upon his bed and departed. It was plain that neither logic, threats, nor the presence of danger could keep this dreadful child from doing whatever he chose; what other means of restraint could be employed?

"Why," said Budge, "you told us to get what we wanted, an' we supposed you told the troof." "An' I ain't azh hungry azh I wazh," remarked Toddie, "but my tummuk feels as if it growed big and got little again, every minute or two, an' it hurts. I wishes we could put tummuks away when we get done usin' 'em, like we do hats an' overshoes."

"If a big'tone wazh inshide of ME," said Toddie, "I'd take it out an' frow it at the shickens." "Toddie," said I, "aren't you glad papa an' mamma are coming?" "Yesh," said Toddie, "I fink it'll be awfoo nish. Mamma always bwings me candy fen she goes away anyfere." "Toddie, you're a mercenary wretch." "AIN'T a mernesary wetch; Izhe Toddie Yawncie."

An' he made his little boy Isaac, that he was going to chop and burn up carry the kindlin' wood he was goin' to set him a-fire wiz. An' I want to know if you fink that wazh very nysh of him?" "Well, no," said Mr. Burton. "Tell you what," said Budge, "you don't ever catch me carryin' sticks up the mountain, even if my papa wants me to."

"An' each one of the buttonanoes, too," suggested Toddie. "That one wazh pretty good, but maybe some of the others isn't." The proposition was accepted, and soon each banana had its length reduced by a fourth, and the grape-clusters displayed a fine development of wood.