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From the farther end of the room a little squeaky sound was heard, elaborately turned into a cough. Lilias grew hot with embarrassment, and Miss Thacker peered suspiciously over her spectacles as she produced a circular from her satchel and handed it over for inspection. It bore the heading "Waybourne Home for Incurables," and set forth a plea for help with which the girl was already familiar.

This afternoon has been all too short, and I have not had time for anything. Not even a glance of `Kittay. It's absurd to pretend to have been to Waybourne when one has not seen `Kittay'; isn't it, Christabel?" Chrissie dropped her eyelids, and twisted her lip with an expression of supreme disdain. "I do not say `Kittay'; I say `Kittee. You are too sillay.

I like that child. She looks honest and straightforward! Who is she?" "Why, that's Kitty!" replied Nan, in a voice of surprised reproof, for surely every one in Waybourne must know an important personage like Kitty!

Everything in Waybourne is so painfully commonplace that we are simply spoiling for a mystery, as the Americans would say. Now, Mr Talbot won't commit himself to a definite charge, but his silence is more impressive than words. I'm sure there's a mystery: something too gruesome and terrible to be divulged." "You leap to conclusions, Nan.

I am afraid I must have appeared churlish; but, as a matter of fact, I came down to Waybourne to avoid old friends, rather than make new ones. I am too ill to be sociable. It is a trial to me, nowadays, to meet strangers." "And yet " "And yet I wished to see you! That seems rather a contradiction, does it not?

I hope he is not more unwell than usual to-day? He bowed again, like a mechanical figure, and said, `Mr Vanburgh charges me to say, madam, that as he is unable to return visits, he must deprive himself of the pleasure of receiving them while in Waybourne. I never felt so small in my life. Dismissed on the doorstep, and sent away like a child! I don't know how I looked, or what I said.

Since then four years had passed by, and twice a year at least Ned had contrived to pay a visit to Waybourne.