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I 'ave de righd to wadge dad man wad mague rimark aboud me dotter." "I never did no such a thing." "You did." "I never did no such a thing." "Bud you 'ave jus hacknowledge' " "I never did no such a thing, I tell ye, and the man that's told ye so is a liur!" "Ah-h-h-h!" said the old man, wagging his finger "Ah-h-h-h! You call Manuel Mazaro one liar?" The Irishman laughed out.

He knew that sentries were all around him, but he could not hear a footstep; he knew, too, that many of the soldiers lay in their dug-outs, sleeping as peacefully as though they were at home. And yet he felt all alone. "Where's Jim Bates now, I wonder, and Arthur Wadge, and Bill Perkins, and George Wilson? they were killed, but are they really dead?" he said to himself.

"Madjor Shaughnessy!" cried M. D'Hemecourt, losing all self-control. "H-I am nod a cud-troad, Madjor Shaughnessy, h-an I 'ave a r-r-righd to wadge you." The Major rose from his chair. "What d'ye mean?" he asked vacantly, and then: "Look-ut here, Munsher D'Himecourt, one of uz is crazy. I say one" "No, sar-r-r!" cried the other, rising and clenching his trembling fist. "H-I am not crezzy.

I know verrie well! You kyah fifty time' as mudge as me! I know you! I know you! I bin wadge you!" Aurora was quite dumb for a moment, and gazed at Clotilde, wondering what could have made her so unlike herself. Then she half rose up, and, as she reached forward an arm, and laid it tenderly about her daughter's neck, said: "Ma lill dotter, wad dad meggin you cry?