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The warriors rose from their rush mats at dawn and ate flesh of the buffalo and deer and their favorite wa-nsa. Dick's arms were unbound, and he, too, was allowed to eat; but he had little appetite, and when the warriors saw that he had finished they bound him again. "What are you going to do to me?" asked Dick in a kind of vague curiosity. No one gave any answer. They did not seem to hear him.

A negative answer was given in about ten minutes by two old squaws who appeared, bearing food, some venison, and more particularly wa-nsa, a favorite dish with the Sioux, a compound made of buffalo meat and wild cherries, which, after being dried, are pounded separately until they are very fine; then the two are pounded together for quite a while, after which the whole is stored in bladders, somewhat after the fashion of the white man's sausage.

"Eat," replied Lone Wolf sententiously, pointing of the bowl wa-nsa. "You will need your strength." Dick's heart fell at these words despite all his self-command. "My time's come," he thought.

He knew that it must be a fair day, but he was sorry for it. The sun ought not to shine when he was at such a pass. Another interminable period passed, and an old squaw entered with a bowl of wa-nsa, and behind her came Lone Wolf, who unbound Dick. "What's up now, Mr. Lone Wolf?" asked Dick with an attempt at levity. "Is it a fight or a foot race?"