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But it w'an't mahfaulta-tall!" "I know it wasn't," said Dorothy's mother. "But do you think you could get the little girl's Lamb's back?" "Well, dat coal hole isn't so very big," was the answer, as the driver scratched his kinky head. "But I might squeeze mahse'f down in it."

If 't w'an't so ever-lastin' cold, I'd take him right into the clock-room, an' blaze a fire; but he'd see right through that. You gether up them tools an' things, an' I'll help carry out the bench." If Enoch had not just then been absorbed in a delicate combination of brass, he might have spoken more sympathetically. As it was, he seemed kindly, but remote. "Look out!" said he, "you'll joggle.

After passing his eyes over him from head to foot, and there resting them a moment, a low murmur escaped his lips, which ended abruptly in the word "Coco." "A Coco, do ye think?" inquired the other, with an apparent interest. "Are 'ee blind, Billee? Don't 'ee see his moccasin?" "Yes, you're right, but I was in thar nation two years ago. I seed no such man as that." "He w'an't there."

If 't w'an't so everlastin' cold, I'd take him right into the clock-room, an' blaze a fire; but he'd see right through that. You gether up them tools an' things, an' I'll help carry out the bench." If Enoch had not just then been absorbed in a delicate combination of brass, he might have spoken more sympathetically. As it was, he seemed kindly, but remote. "Look out!" said he, "you'll joggle.

Catching a hint of a yarn, I asked if there were many three-legged deer in the bush. "W'an't but one ever, far 's I know," he replied. "'N' almighty lucky it was for Warry that one come a-limpin' along his way, for it give him th' only chance he'll probably ever have to say he got to shoot a deer. "Warry?