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The vidame's logic triumphed. "If she is betraying her husband we will avenge ourselves," said Auguste. There was still faith in that "if". The philosophic doubt of Descartes is a politeness with which we should always honor virtue. Ten o'clock sounded. The Baron de Maulincour remembered that this woman was going to a ball that evening at a house to which he had access.

The Vidame's rage I remembered had been directed rather against my cousin than her lover; and now by the light of his threats I read Bezers' purpose more clearly than Louis could. His aim was to punish the woman who had played with him.

But the thought that if left to myself I should have fallen into the Vidame's cunning trap filled me with new hatred towards him; such hatred and such fear for there was humiliation mingled with them as I had scarcely felt before.

The throng below had no firearms, and could give no aid at the moment; the stage was narrow; in two minutes the Vidame's people had swept it clear of the crowd and were in possession of it. A tall fellow took up the priest's body, dead or alive, I do not know which, and flung it as if it had been a sack of corn over the rail. It fell with a heavy thud on the ground.

Brown-Smith, starting from the Vidame's side, raised her veil, and threw her arms round the neck of the traveller. 'You didn't expect me to meet you on such a night, did you, Johnnie? she cried with a break in her voice. 'Awfully glad to see you, Tiny, said the short gentleman. 'On such a night! After thus unconsciously quoting the Merchant of Venice, Mr. Brown-Smith turned to his valet.

Indeed, as I understood from the Vidame's orders, the remainder of our old almond was to be cut up and distributed over the estate and about the neighborhood and so the life went out from it finally in a Christmas blaze that brightened many homes. In the cities, of course, the case is different; and, no doubt, on many a chill hearth no yule-fire burns.

"I will not eat with you," I said sullenly; speaking out of a kind of dull obstinacy, or perhaps a childish petulance. It did not occur to me that this would pierce the Vidame's armour. Yet a dull red showed for an instant in his cheek, and he eyed me with a look, that was not all ferocity, though the veins in his great temples swelled. A moment, nevertheless, and he was himself again.

Diane rose from her seat, and Simon glared at Le Brusquet, whilst a dozen voices called out: "What was that, Le Brusquet? We have not heard." "That is owing to Monsieur le Vidame's modesty; but this feat eclipses all the others of which he is the hero.

The Vidame opened it, and handed it to Matilda. His presence at Paris was instantly demanded. The Vidame was desolated, but his absence could not be for more than five days. Bradshaw was hunted for, and found: the 9.50 train was opportune. The Vidame's man packed his clothes. Mrs. Brown-Smith was apprised of these occurrences in the drawing-room before dinner.

The Vidame's hand flashed up above the priest's head, and the cross-hilt of his sheathed sword crashed down with awful force, and still more awful passion, on the other's tonsure! The wretch went down like a log, without a word, without a cry! Amid a roar of rage from a thousand throats, a roar that might have shaken the stoutest heart, and blanched the swarthiest cheek, Bezers disappeared within!