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Rollo Van Kyp, carefully lifted from the bloody trench in which he had fought and suffered so cheerfully, was borne to the rear, and the assistant surgeon of his regiment accompanied him to the hospital at Siboney.

A moment more the lamp was lighted, her father's coat and hat in place, his chair drawn up to the now roaring fire; then, with speculation in her eyes, she stood for half a moment, hands on hips, looking first at Van Landing and then at the cupboard in the corner.

Desaguliers illustrates Van Eckenberg's methods in a very exhaustive set of notes and plates, which are too technical and voluminous to repeat here, but I will quote sufficiently from them to make the modus operandi clear. The figures will be found on plate 19. Figs. 1 and 2 have already been explained. B is a feather bed upon which the performer falls.

His ruddy face was actually beaming. He held out his hand, seized the minister's, and shook it. "Good morning, Mr. Ellery," he said. "It's a glorious day. Yes, sir, a bully day. Hey? isn't it?" Ellery's answer was a question. "Doctor," he said, "why have Mrs. Coffin and and Miss Van Horne gone? Has anything happened? I know something has, and you must tell me what.

Why should not Dalrymple paint Miss Van Siever as well as any other lady? It is his special business to paint ladies." "Look here, Mr Eames " And now Miss Demolines, as she spoke, drew her own seat closer to that of her companion and pushed away the little table.

"I ask thee for the daily strength, To none that ask denied, A mind to blend with outward life, While keeping at thy side; Content to fill a little space If thou be glorified." Of course Dr. Van Anden did not know that Ester Ried stood in the doorway below, and was at that precise moment in need of just such help as this; but then what mattered that, so long as the Master did?

Van Stingey & Co. made money, and were now rich; the poor priest had every thing but the thanks of the contractors for his pains, and he concluded, from his experience of this and other railroads and public works in America, that, of all the men living, the railroad and day laborer of this "free country" is the most ill treated and oppressed.

Van Ostend talkin' 'bout him to one of the syndicaters mebbe they're goin' to work him in with them somehow; anyway, I guess Aurory don't begrutch him a little spendin' money seein' how easy it come out of the old sheep pasters. Who'd 'a' thought a streak of granite could hev made sech a stir!" "It's a stir that'll sink this town in the mud." Mr.

The British fleet advanced in two divisions, Nelson leading the weather division of twelve, and Collingwood the lee division of fifteen ships. According to Nelson's plan Collingwood was to attack the rear of the enemy's line, while he himself cut off and paralysed the centre and van.

"Take note of it, and write to Duplessis. Go on." "M. Spindler sends from Namur the secret report on M. Ardouin." "To be examined." "M. Ardouin sends from the same town the secret report on M. Spindler." "To be examined." "Doctor Van Ostadt, of the same town, sends a confidential note on the subject of Messrs. Spindler and Ardouin." "To be compared. Go on!"