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It's the big rock where they've got Bony shut up." "Bah!" snapped the doctor, and he turned on his heel and walked away. "Turned out of his bunk wrong side up'ards, sir?" asked the man, with a smile. "Pah!" ejaculated Rodd, and he stamped off in the other direction. "Old 'un's been giving it to him, I suppose," said Joe to himself.

"No, never, not if you'd awnly turn your faace the right way. Theer's oceans o' comfort an' love waitin' for 'e, gal. You did belong to a hard world, as I knaws who have just comed from speech wi' your faither; but 'twas a world o' clean eatin' an' dressin' an' livin' a God-fearin' world leadin' up'ards on a narrer, ugly road, but a safe road, I s'pose. An' you left it.

Mrs Davidson couldn't find a boy that was fit to send, so she said she'd wait till you came back, Billy, and send you up." "Well, wonders ain't a-goin' to cease yet a while," exclaimed Billy, with a look of gratified pride. "Hows'ever, I'm game for anythink from pitch an' toss up'ards. When am I to start, mother?" "To-morrow, by the first train." "All right an' what sort o' rig?

God bless you for it, and for all your friendliness besides, to Solomon Gills." Bunsby! said the Captain, appealing to him solemnly, 'what do you make of this? There you sit, a man as has had his head broke from infancy up'ards, and has got a new opinion into it at every seam as has been opened. Now, what do you make o' this?

'Twas ten years or more ago when Elizabeth fetched him; why, my sake! it must be full twelve or up'ards, but time does fly so I forget. I never believed Verplanck stole a thing. I misdoubt if the box ever was took. The Squire bein' queer might ha' hid it somewheres, more'n likely. But there's them that does believe, an' I hear the Madam's amongst 'em.

He IS good, sir; as I have known in my poor time, sir. I don't believe there ever was one that just lifted his eyes and looked up'ards, instead of looking down to the ground, that didn't get some comfort, to go on with, as it were the ready money of comfort, as it were though it might be none to put in the bank, sir." "That's true enough," I said. "Then your father and mother ?"

He is a man as will come up'ards, right side up, sir? Mr Chollop winked again at the other citizen. 'He should have his right side very high up, if I had my way, said Mark. 'As high up as the top of a good tall gallows, perhaps.

The office force noticed his preoccupation and commented upon it. "What ails the old man, Al?" whispered Issachar, peering in around the corner of the door at the silent figure tilted back in the revolving chair, its feet upon the corner of the desk. "Ain't said so much as 'Boo' for up'ards of twenty minutes, has he?

I don't know whether it's the toddy I've took thet calls my attention to it or not. She always seemed to see me in him but I never could. Far ez I can see, he never taken nothin' from me but his sect an' yo' name, son, of co'se. 'Cep'in' for me, you couldn't 'a' been no Jones 't least not in our branch. Put yo' hand on my forr'd, son, an' bresh it up'ards a few times, while I shet my eyes.

'Some, said the King. 'But they know which is the right side up'ards of their work. They keep it as it's given out to 'em. I have seen a bill or so stuck wrong side up'ards. But it's very rare. Our discourse sustained some interruption at this point, by the procession of cars occasioning a stoppage of about three-quarters of a mile in length, as nearly as I could judge.