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You hooks up with this unsophisticated, trustful woman she ain't a woman; she's a young girl at the time an' she ain't civilized enough to be on to your kind. So you finds it easy to make her love you. Not with the common sordid love of a white woman but with the fierce, undyin' passion o' the South Seas.

I looked out onto the heavenly glory of the day, and then inside into my heart, that held a faith jest as bright and undyin' as the light of that star and I says, "No, I guess I won't go and be convinced." And he says, "It wuz a good deal like a man laughin' and clappin' his hands to see his house burn down"

I reckon he writes her a letter, and he says, says he, 'Dear Lady, I send thee my undyin' love, says he. 'I kiss the picture which is a-layin' on my breast, says he; 'and with my last breath, says he, 'I shorely yearn for thee!" "Meanin' Guinevere?" "Shore!

Why, man, when you set thar last night an' told that woman that her undyin' love for Dick was holy an' godly an' a thing to be kept in a glass case an' looked at every hour in the day I say when you throwed all that guff at her you sealed yore doom. Them words kicked every prop from under her, an' down she come with a flop that knocked the breath out of all her calculations.

History don't record no divorce suits in the Stone Age, when a domestic inclined man allus toted a white-oak billy, studded with wire nails, according to the pictures, and didn't scruple to use it, both at home and abroad. Women was hairy, them days, and harder to make love, honour and obey; but principles is undyin'.

Even the man who married th' squaw, had a priest tie th' knot so that children would come stainless t' life; but they were dark fearsome men, undyin' in their hates an' unhappy in their loves. Y'r own mother's people turned against y'r father for th' part he took in th' Rebellion." "Don't you think," asked Eleanor, "it's time one of the race broke the spell of unhappy love?" "Aye, child!