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'Oh, but my hat where is it? cried she, vexed and sorely ashamed. So different from the unblenching child who loved to stand hatless and feel the rain-drops on her bare head! 'Well, Winifred, I've found a hat on the sand, I said; 'here it is. 'Thank you, sir, said she, and stretched out her hand for it.

And we must make our characters by the way in which, day out and day in, we do little things, and find in them fields for the great virtues which will enable us to front the crises of our fate unblenching, and to master whatsoever difficulties come in our path. Geologists nowadays distrust, for the most part, theories which have to invoke great forces in order to mould the face of a country.

Lady Carnegie, in her own person, had looked upon death with unblenching front, and had disowned her only son because, in what appeared to others a trifle, he had opposed her law. Nor did a muscle of her marked face now relax; her occupation went on without a check; she did not deign to show surprise or displeasure, although her voice rose in harsh, ironical emphasis

But while man aspires after truth, while his mind yearns after knowledge, while his intellect soars upward into the empyrean of speculation and "beats the air with tireless wing," so long shall those who demand faith from him be met by challenge for proof, and those who would blind him shall be defeated by his resolve to gaze unblenching on the face of Truth, even though her eyes should turn him into stone.

The Prophet's wife had the most unblenching smiling gaze she had ever encountered. "I do not wish to enter your family. I am not a Mormon." "He will make you wish it. I was not a Mormon." They sat silent, the trees stirring around them. "I do not understand it," said Emeline. "How can you come to me with such a message?" "I can do it as you can do it when your turn comes."

She pointed to the proofs of which I had possessed myself and was eagerly scanning. Unblenching he met her gaze. "That is the posthumous novel of Adrian Boldero, which I, as his literary executor, have revised for the press. Hilary saw the rough manuscript, but he had no time to read it." They looked at one another for quite a long time. "Is that all you're going to tell me?" "That's all."

And indeed, when one reads of the misfortunes which came upon him, the disappointments which he encountered, his poverty abroad, his terrible afflictions, and dreary old age, and how gallantly he bore up under all, unblenching, unmurmuring, struggling cheerfully and patiently to the end, one cannot repress a feeling of admiration for the courage which endured so much misery, and of pity for the faults which brought that misery upon him.

Yet, with unblenching brow, he waits the falling of the thunderbolt, a calm, grand figure, fit to live in history's pages when every memory of meaner men has passed into oblivion, M.T. Steyn, President of the shattered Free State of South Africa. Around this man the human jackals howl to try with lying lips to foul his memory.

Hugh cast a swift glance round; the men on foot were yet some little way off, running down the road; the troopers in front had pushed the lancemen a little way up the clearing; and Hugh determined to attempt a desperate rush with the Lady Mary up the road: desperate indeed it was, but he saw that if he could but get clear of the fight, there were none that could follow, except perhaps the chief himself; Hugh leant across his horse's neck; the Lady Mary sate still and silent, like the daughter of a line of knights, looking at the combat with a steady and unblenching look.

Helen sighed, but though she might feel the want of the charm of Lady Cecilia's suavity of manner, of her agreeable, and her agreeing temper, yet she felt the safe solidity of principle in her present friend, and admired, esteemed, and loved, without fear of change, her unblenching truth.