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You might return here to-morrow from Ulrichsthal while we make our way home, by Silberbach, if my husband really wishes to see it." I looked at her in some surprise. What possessed everybody to caution me so against Silberbach? Everybody, that is to say, except Herr von Walden himself. A spice of contradiction began to influence me.

Myself and these young fellows," indicating the three friends by a wave of the hand, "will start from Seeberg betimes, giving you rendez vous at Ulrichsthal, where there are some famous ruins. And you must not forget," he added, turning to his wife and me, "to stop at Grünstein as you pass, and spend a quarter of an hour in the china manufactory there." "Just what I wanted," said Frau von Walden.

All she knew about it will be told in due course. We had delayed longer than we intended at the china manufactory, and in consequence we were somewhat late at the meeting-place Ulrichsthal. The gentlemen had arrived there quite an hour before; so they had ordered luncheon, or dinner rather, at the inn, and thoroughly explored the ruins.

We, my wife and I and these boys, must be home by Saturday afternoon, so we can only stay the one night at Silberbach," for this was Thursday. And so it was settled. The next day dawned as bright and cloudless as its predecessors. The gentlemen had started I should be afraid to say how early meaning to be overtaken by us at Ulrichsthal.