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"Oh, papa!" cried a little boy, "couldn't we ride on the elephant's back?" and he was so excited, this little boy was, that he danced up and down with his red balloon. All the children had these toy balloons. "Oh, I don't believe you could ride on the elephant's back," said the little boy's papa. "They can, if you will let them," said Tum Tum's keeper.

Come, Whoo-ee come, Gumble-umble! We will smash down the fence!" But one of the tame elephants, who heard what Tum Tum said, called to him, and spoke: "Oh, brother. Do not break down the fence." "Why not?" asked Tum Tum, who could easily understand the language of the tame elephant. "Why should I not break the fence, and let my friends, and my father and mother, out of this trap. Why not?"

We know the blind man will thank you too when he gets his new dog. The show will now close with a grand parade!" Then Bob made a showman's bow and went behind the schoolhouse. Soon a drum began to beat tum, tum, tum. The parade was coming! First marched Showman Bob beating the drum. Behind him was Betty carrying a big American flag. On her shoulder was Arrow, the living airplane.

The leafless trees and shrubbery revealed the neat little home that the summer foliage concealed. Bug ran forward with childish curiosity and tiptoed up to a low window, dropping his little red ball in his eagerness. "Oh, tum! tum!" he cried. "Such a pretty picture frame and vase on the table."

Theobald noticed the fact that he was being contradicted in a moment. He got up from his arm-chair and went to the piano. "No, Ernest, you don't," he said, "you say nothing of the kind, you say 'tum, not 'come. Now say 'come' after me, as I do." "Tum," said Ernest, at once; "is that better?" I have no doubt he thought it was, but it was not.

We can easily suck it up through our trunks and drink it. Come on, I'll show you how to do it." "Oh, fine!" cried Maggo. Then she and Tum Tum, not thinking it was wrong, put their trunks down in the pink lemonade, and sucked it all out, putting it into their mouths. "Oh, but that's good!" cried Tum Tum, for the lemonade happened to be very sweet. "It certainly is," said Maggo.

We know the blind man will thank you too when he gets his new dog. The show will now close with a grand parade!" Then Bob made a showman's bow and went behind the school-house. Soon a drum began to beat tum, tum, tum. The parade was coming! First marched Showman Bob beating the drum. Behind him was Betty carrying a big American flag. On her shoulder was Arrow, the living airplane.

They were swaying their big bodies to and fro, and swinging their trunks. The sailor went up to the biggest elephant of them all, and, so Mappo thought, the most jolly-looking, and said: "Tum Tum, I have brought some one to see you. Here is a little monkey." Mappo looked up, and saw a jolly twinkle in the little eyes of Tum Tum.

"How did they catch you?" asked the monkey, as the sailor went up on deck, while Mappo and the elephant stayed down in the lower part of the ship, where it was nice and warm, talking to one another. "Oh, the hunters made a big, strong fence in the jungle," said Tum Tum. "They left one opening in it, and then they began to drive us elephants along toward it.

"Because I did not want to see it smashed, and see you thrown out, Sharp Tooth," answered Tum Tum. "But that is just what I wanted to do get out," spoke the tiger. "I want to get loose! I am tired of staying in the cage!" "But if you got out, you might bite someone," went on Tum Tum. "Yes, that is just what I would do," growled the tiger.