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The Caldus whose name appears on the Tremaie is probably Caius Caelius Caldus, who belonged to the party of Marius, was created tribune B.C. 107, and who was one of the lieutenants of Marius in the war against the Cimbri, and signed a disgraceful treaty with the Ligurians to save the remnant of the army, after the death of the consul Cassius.

The two oldest and most interesting monuments of Les Baux have been unnoticed in the last chapter. These are the sculptured stones of Tremaie and Gaie. They are two limestone blocks fallen from the precipices above, lying on the flounce of rubble near the bottom of the promontory of Les Baux, the one on the east the other on the south.

That on the east, La Tremaie, consists of a block of shell-limestone about twenty-five feet high, in which, twelve feet from the soil, is sculptured a semicircular headed niche, five and a half feet high by four and a half feet wide, that contains a group of three personages, a bearded man on the left of the observer, a tall woman in the centre wearing a mitre, and on the right another woman.

The Tremaie Representation of C. Marius, Martha, and Julia The Gaie The Teutons and Ambrons and Cimbri threaten Italy C. Marius sent against them His camp at S. Gabriel The canal he cut The barbarians cross the Rhone First brush with them They defile before him at Orgon The rout of the Ambrons at Les Milles He follows the Teutons The plain of Pourrieres Position of Marius The battle Slaughter of the Teutons Position of their camp Monument of Marius Venus Victrix Annual commemoration.

Since that date a great pilgrimage has taken place annually to Les Saintes Maries; and the cure of Les Baux, being very satisfied that the Tremaie in his parish must be the Three Marys, erected a chapel under the rock sculptured with the figures of Marius, Martha, and Julia.