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'Oo's the little 'un?" "Meaning me?" said Dollops, bridling. "None of yer blarney 'ere, miss! Me an' my mate's been on a walkin' tooer come up from Lunnon, we 'ave." "You never did!" Admiration mingled with disbelief in the barmaid's voice. A little stir of interest went round the crowded, smoky room and someone called out: "Lunnon, 'ave yer? Bin walkin' a bit, matey. Wot brought yer dahn 'ere?

"There's nothing of the sort there!" said Lady Florimel. "Ye maunna luik for tooer or pinnacle, my leddy, for nane will ye see: their time's lang ower. It scarce rises abune the scaur in ony but ae pairt, an' there it 's but a feow feet o' a wa'." Following his direction, Lady Florimel soon found the ruin.

I luikit till him to save the fisher fowk, an' no to the Lord; an' the tooer o' Siloam 's fa'en upo' my heid: what does he, the first thing, but turn his ain auld freen's oot o' the sma beild they had! That his father nor his gran'father, 'at was naither o' them God fearin' men, wad never hae put their han' till. Eh, wuman! but my hert's sair 'ithin me.

And he turned into the quadrangle, and throu't he gaed and oot at the corner o' 't. I was close ahint him that is, I was into the quadrangle afore he was oot o' 't. And I saw the sacrist come oot at the door o' the astronomical tooer jist afore the Hielanman turned the neuk o' 't.

An' the warder upo' the heich tooer declared 'at ever sin' midnicht the prence's menyie, the haill twal o' them, was careerin' aboot the castel, noon' an noon', wi' the een o' their beasts lowin', and their heids oot, an' their manes up, an their tails fleein' ahint them.

"Jist as the clock o' the castel chappit the deid o' the nicht, the clamour o' v'ices was hard throu' the thunner an' the win, an' the warder luikin' doon frae the heich bartizan o' the muckle tooer, saw i' the fire flauchts, a company o' riders appro'chin' the castel, a' upo' gran' horses, he said, that sprang this gait an' that, an shot fire frae their een.