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Lollius was always ready to die for his country 'non ille pro patria timidus perire. In good faith, is it not curious? Does it not seem as though Horace had known Count Larinski at Rome or at Tibur?" "I do not doubt it for an instant," replied M. Moriaz, taking the book from the hands of Abbe Miollens and placing it respectfully on the table.

And then you have been a man of action, and necessarily a believer in success. But I have been looking too long at life not to distrust its surprises. Age! Age! Here I stand before you a man full of doubts and hesitation spe lentus, timidus futuri." He made a sign to Renouard not to interrupt, and in a lowered voice, as if afraid of being overheard, even there, in the solitude of the terrace

Their capacity for hearing the facts and declaring the right is blurred by the buzz of the bee of political aspiration and self-interest. "A Judge who belongs to this species can usually be classed as of the family Judex timidus, those whose ears are so great that they can never lift them from the ground, and when a mosquito hums in Covington their dreams of peace are disturbed in Frankfort.

I would not that men should refuse, in the employments they take upon them, their attention, pains, eloquence, sweat, and blood if need be: "Non ipse pro caris amicis Aut patria, timidus perire:" but 'tis only borrowed, and accidentally; his mind being always in repose and in health; not without action, but without vexation, without passion.