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But the time-keeper's call prevented further doings. "He's a mosquito, that's all," growled Denison to Nelson, in the corner. "Go in and swat him, then," grinned Nelson. "Watch me!" "Remember, then, that skeeters are dodgers." "I'll saw him off, this time," grumbled the big fellow. The call of time brought both men forward.

Harberth sat shaking his head, looking piteous, and, in the middle of the time-keeper's counting, he arose remarking, "I've had enough" and walked to his chair. Bully Harberth was beaten and Dam felt that the Snake was farther from him than ever it had been since he could remember.

Pull us out!" came the appeal. "Darry! Darry! Rush it!" As the two elevens were lining up for another start the time-keeper's whistle sounded the end of the first half of the game. Gloomy, indeed, were those who had hoped to see the Navy win. There were no cheers, save from the visitor-howlers.

Gryce was satisfied, and engaged a seat in his small boat for the following day. The superintendent was puzzled and showed it. He listened to Mr. Gryce with a shrug, saying that so many women had been taken on that day, that he really couldn't remember whether any one of them answered to the given description. "There's the time-keeper's book. Look it over. All the names are there," he said. Mr.

"Now, stand up and let us see how good your quick counter is," laughed the yearling, dancing about. Butler's footwork was fine and fast, but Greg, watching him, only pivoted about, putting up his hands with great speed. Thus Greg blocked all but three or four lighter blows up to the time when the time-keeper's interruption came.