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Being therewith so tosticated, that all their other business is dispersed, and totally laid aside. This is observable not only in youth of the first degree, but also in persons that have received promotion. For if he be a Theologue, his books drop out of his hands, and ly stragling about his study, even as his sences do, one among another.

She had the way of referring to herself as "poor little me," yet she never made demands or allowed him to feel that she expected anything from him in the way of allegiance. Mrs. Akemit was not only like St. Paul, "all things to all men," but she had gone a step beyond that excellent theologue. She could be all things to one man.

Could I care for a lank, poor, ugly theologue named Jonas? As Uncle Mark says, 'It's impossible, and what's more it's improbable. "Good night, PHIL." "P.S. It is impossible but I am horribly afraid it's true. I'm happy and wretched and scared. HE can NEVER care for me, I know. Do you think I could ever develop into a passable minister's wife, Anne? And WOULD they expect me to lead in prayer?

We have known him to disport for half a day upon the kerb-stone, carrying on with all his might to whomsoever would endure it. No sooner does a young sick-faced theologue get safely through his ordination, as a baby finishes teething, than straightway he casts about him for an opportunity to carry on.

"You'd dare anything," she interrupted hastily. "Remember how, when I was a Freshman, you raced a theologue down the church aisle one Sunday night after service, and slammed the door from the outside? 'Miss Winship, you said I had sat near the door and was already in the entry 'may I see you home? " "The theologue and the congregation didn't get out till you said yes, I remember!

The commercial in you has run to seed." "That may be, but I can spot a man that knows how to show his goods, and when that old gentleman set forth the West in those high lights of his, I tell you what, I almost wished I was a Theologue." "What a pity you are not," replied The Don thoughtfully, "for apparently they want strong men." At which the crowd again laughed.

Sir, I will use therein my best endeavours, and heartily bestir myself about it. How the theologue, Hippothadee, giveth counsel to Panurge in the matter and business of his nuptial enterprise.

Into the brimstone?" laughed Lloyd. "I am rather incoherent, I confess. But that old chap suits me. If I were a Theologue, and unattached, I'd be there." "There's no doubt it is a great country, with vast opportunities," said The Don, glancing at Betty. "Yes," said Mrs.

This theologue, like many of his cloth, was possessed of the insane impression that he was gifted with the sublime inspiration of eloquence, and being invited to preach on his return to the old home for vacation, he selected the somewhat startling text "and the dumb ass opened his mouth and spake."

And in it he asks them to 'Consider' his countrymen have scarcely as yet considered it sufficiently 'Consider, brethren, it is no speculative theologue which desireth to give you courage, but even your brother in affliction, which partly hath experience what Satan's wrath may do against the chosen of God. His spirit indeed was in no wise broken: on his escape from France he became again a garrison preacher, and gained over King Edward's rude soldiers in Berwick an ascendancy, even greater than he had held in St Andrews over the young lairds of Fife.