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Jay and his confederates are innocent o f all share in the stealing of the cash-box, I, in return, defy that individual though he may even be Chief Inspector Theakstone himself to tell me who has committed the robbery at Rutherford Street, Soho. Strong in that conviction, I have the honor to be your very obedient servant, Birmingham, July 9th. SERGEANT BULMER That empty-headed puppy, Mr.

"All right! I'd much rather hear it from that charming woman than from you," says he, and goes into the house in a mighty hurry. What do you think of that, Inspector Theakstone? Would you like to stand in Mr. Sharpin's shoes? I shouldn't, I can promise you. July 12th. SIR Sergeant Bulmer has already told you to consider yourself suspended until further notice.

Yours, FRANCIS THEAKSTONE. London, July 10th. INSPECTOR THEAKSTONE Your letter and inclosure came safe to hand. Wise men, they say, may always learn something even from a fool. By the time I had got through Sharpin's maundering report of his own folly, I saw my way clear enough to the end of the Rutherford Street case, just as you thought I should. In half an hour's time I was at the house.

I decline, therefore, altogether to take offense at the tone of your letter; I give you the full benefit of the natural generosity of my nature; I sponge the very existence of your surly communication out of my memory in short, Chief Inspector Theakstone, I forgive you, and proceed to business. My first duty is to draw up a full statement of the instructions I have received from Sergeant Bulmer.