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"Nay, sure. Does he get ony wage?" "Nawe," replied Skedlock; "he's drawn his wage wi' his teeth, so fur. But he's larnin', yo' known he's larnin'. Where's yo'r Jone? I want to see him abeawt some plants." "Well," said Nanny, "sit tho down a minute. Hasto no news? Thae'rt seldom short of a crack o' some mak." "Nay," said Skedlock, scratching his rusty pate, "aw don't know 'at aw've aught fresh."

Enter MATTIE and BILL. Tho. Thae'rt a domned villain! Wheer's mo Mattie? WATERFIELD knocks THOMAS down. Bill. O Lord! the swell's murdered old daddy! All but GER. rush together. COLONEL GERVAISE seizes WATERFIELD. MATTIE throws herself on her knees beside THOMAS and lifts his head. Mat. Father! father! Look at me! It's Mattie! your own wicked Mattie! Look at her once, lather dear! Bill.

At last the other turned to him, and said, "Jem; does thae know what it is that makes me like thee so weel, owd brid?" "Naw; what is it?" "Why; it's becose thae'rt sich a foo!" "Well," replied the other, "never thee mind that;" and then, alluding to the subject they had been disputing about, he said, "Thae knows, Joe, aw know thae'rt reet enough; but, by th' men, aw'll not give in till mornin'."

Beside, thae'rt younger an' strunger than hoo is." " Eh, God bless tho, lass," replied Martha, "aw know o' abeawt it. Aw'd rayther Sarah would stop, for hoo'll be ill. Aw can go forrud by mysel', weel enough. It's noan so fur, neaw." But, here, Sarah, the eldest of the three, laid her hand once more upon the shoulder of her friend, and said in an earnest tone, "Ann! it will not do, my lass!

Where win yo ha't put, Betty? 'Eh, I'm fain thae's brought it, said Betty. 'It's for th' chapel; an' it'll be wanted for Sunday. Sitho, set it deawn i' this front reawm here; an' mind what thae'rt doin' with it. So Robin, an' Barfoot Sam, an' Little Wamble, 'at looks after th' horses at 'Th' Rompin' Kitlin, geet it eawt o'th cart.

Besides, yo'n bin far enough today. Come back wi' me. Aw connot find reawm for both on yo; but thee come back wi' me, Sarah. Aw'll find thee a good bed: an' thae'rt welcome to a share o' what there is as welcome as th' fleawers i May thae knows that. Thae'rt th' owdest o' th' two; an thae'rt noan fit to trawnce up an' deawn o' this shap. Yo should both on yo go back iv aw'd reawm, but aw haven't.

Aw connot stur a fut fur folks as knaws mo, and knaws mo name, and knaws what aw be after. Lonnon is a dreedfu' plaze. Aw mun geet mo lass to whoam. Yo'll mind th' shop till th' maister cooms back. War. You'd better stop. The man will be back directly. You're too suspicious. Tho. Nea, maister, thae'rt wrung theer. Aw've trusted too mich a theawsand times too mich. War.

We were begging that she would not disturb herself, when one of the lads at the table called out, "Mother; look at eawr John. He keeps pushin' me off th' cheer!" "Eh, John," replied she; "I wish thy feyther were here! Thae'rt olez tormentin' that lad. Do let him alone, wilto or else aw'll poo that toppin' o' thine, smartly aw will! An' do see iv yo connot behave yorsels!"

But they wonnot coot mo throat beout warnin'. Aw'll bother noan. Col. G. Is there anything I can do for you? Th. Nay, aw donnot know; but beout aw get somebory to help mo, aw dunnot think aw'll coom to th' end in haste. Aw're a lookin' for summut aw've lost, mou. Col. G. Did you come all the way from Lancashire to look for it? Th. Eh, lad! aw thowt thae'rt beawn to know wheer aw coom fro! Col.