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But he had not slept more than five minutes when he sprung from the bed, wide awake, crying "My poy, Malcolm! my son! you haf let her sleep in; and ta creat peoples will be impatient for her music, and cursing her in teir hearts!"

Later in the afternoon we passed Great and Little Hamish, where the P. and O. boat, 'Alma, was wrecked some fifteen years ago, and during the night sailed by Jebel Zibayar and Tukar. Wednesday, April 18th. In the morning, at daylight, we were off Jebel Teir, Mussawa Island, Annesley Bay lying 60 miles to the west.

"If aal wass here as it used to wass in ta Highlants, my lort," said Duncan, "when every clansman wass son or prother or father to his chief tat would pe tifferent; put my poy must not co and eat with serfants who haf nothing put teir waches to make tem love and opey your lortship.

"Perhaps not, my laty." "I want to know what his real name is. Is it the same as yours? It doesn't seem respectable not to have your own names." "Oh yes, my laty, fery respectable. Many coot men has to porrow nems of teir neighpours.

"Fery coot, my chilt, Jeannie; but young Malcolm and old Tuncan hasn't made teir prayers yet, and you know fery well tat she won't sell pefore she's made her prayers. Tell your mother tat she'll pe bringin' ta blackin' when she comes to look to ta lamp." The child ran off without response.

The king has written a braid letter, And signed it wi his hand, And sent it to Sir Patrick Spence, Was walking on the sand. The first line that Sir Patrick red, A loud lauch lauched he; The next line that Sir Patrick red, The teir blinded his ee. 'O wha is this has done this deed, This ill deed don to me, To send me out this time o' the yeir, To sail upon the se?

"Put never you mind, Malcolm; I'll pe making up for ta plunder ta morrow mornin'. Ta coot peoples shall haf teir sleeps a whole hour after tey ought to be at teir works." Malcolm walked up through the town with his fish, hoping to part with some of the less desirable of them, and so lighten his basket, before entering the grounds of Lossie House.

The druid passed the night on the top of the hill, and next morning made a prediction to the king which came true. In Wales Hallowe'en was the weirdest of all the Teir Nos Ysbrydion, or Three Spirit Nights, when the wind, "blowing over the feet of the corpses," bore sighs to the houses of those who were to die within the year.

'Well, I'm not so sure of tat, says he, 'for I 'fe pecked all teir partons. 'And tid tey gif tem to you, you tog? says herself. 'Well, I'm not sure, says he; 'anyhow, I'm not tamned fery much yet. 'She'll pe much sorry to hear it, says herself. And she took care aalways to pe calling him some paad name, so tat he shouldn't say she 'll be forgifing him, whatever ta rest of tem might be toing.

They had died in this world, yet there they were, well and happy." "Oh, yes!" said Duncan, with no small touch of spitefulness in his tone, " twang twanging at teir fine colden herps! She'll not be thinking much of ta herp for a music maker! And peoples tells her she'll not pe hafing her pipes tere! Och hone! Och hone!