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"Gabriele, you are going to stop that crudeness right now! Here, give Betty some Betty cake!" "Que cosas oir! What things to hear." She sat down between Nathaniel and Michael. "And smell." "Betty," said Nathaniel, " Put your snot rags up your holes and you won't need to know we are around." "I taked care of you when tu madre was not here and this you dices cosas malvados a mi."

"Now," says he, "I'm goin' to take one of those hosses and go somewheres else. Maybe you'd better do likewise on the other." "You bet I will," says I. He turned around and taked up the paper he was carryin'. It was a sign. "Nice sentiment," says I. "It will be appreciated when the crowd comes back from that little pasear into Buck Canon. But why not tack her up where the trail hits the camp?

I lost some but two months agone, and I'll be bound 'twas he that did it. What was it was taked away, Mary?" she asked, turning to one of the little girls. "Two pair of stockings and a chimase or one pair of stockings and two chimases? No, no, no; run, my dear, and fetch father home quick. No, stop! Here comes Mr. Brimacott."

It ain't right to part the two littlest ones. And they told me if I'd sit still and stop crying they would bring me back with them by and by, and that I should come to you. And I minded. "Then they taked us to that house where we sleeped under the carpet the night we didn't get to the Fort. Don't you remember?