United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The Baron was the life of the scheme; he longed to be on horseback, and in the field at Tuggeridgeville, where he, Tagrag, and a number of our friends practised: he was the very best tilter present; he vaulted over his horse, and played such wonderful antics, as never were done except at Ducrow's.

A fortnight after, hearing of our good fortune, he was among us again, however; and Jemmy was not a little glad to see him, knowing him to be a baronet's son, and very fond of our Jemimarann. Tagrag for being rude to the poor girl: a clear proof, as Tagrag said afterwards, that he was always fond of her. Mr.

And is by nature the rapidest soul now alive. For the present, DAUPHINESS Bellona, hurrying to the Hills, has left some tagrag of remnant in Gotha.

Well, Jemmy and my daughter, Madame de Flicflac, myself, the Count, Baron Punter, Tug, and Tagrag, all went down in the chariot and barouche-and-four, quite eclipsing poor Lady Kilblazes and her carriage-and-two.

After dinner, there was to be, as I said, an evening-party; and to this Messieurs Tagrag and Tufthunt had invited many of the principal nobility that our metropolis had produced. It was our first dinner, and dressed by our new cook, Munseer Cordongblew.

And next time, sure enough, each aimed at the head of the other. Tagrag's spear hit the right place; for it carried off the Baron's helmet, plume, rose-wreath and all; but his Excellency hit truer still his lance took Tagrag on the neck, and sent him to the ground like a stone.

C. agreed that it was most probable the dogs were to be fed there. However, Tagrag explained this matter to us, and very kindly promised to sell me a horse, a delightful animal of his own; which, being desperately pressed for money, he would let me have for a hundred guineas, he himself having given a hundred and fifty for it. Well, the Thursday came: the hounds met on Squashtail Common; Mrs.

A deputation, half the length of the street its whole length, if you include the tagrag and bobtail that attended behind set off on the spur of the moment to the office of Mr. Carlyle.

A bed that you can recommend a bed that you are sure is well aired a bed that has been slept in by some perfectly respectable and unexceptionable person? 'We don't take in no tagrag and bobtail at our house, sir, answered John. 'And as to the bed itself

There was a fine cold collation, to which the friends of the Ladies-Patronesses were admitted; after which, my ladies and their beaux went strolling through the walks; Tagrag and the Count having each an arm of Jemmy; the Baron giving an arm apiece to Madame and Jemimarann.